Immediate Release Contact: David Chauvin
March 17, 2004 (516) 869-7794
Town Announces $285,000 in State Grants for Waterfront Projects; Over $130,000 for Mill Pond Project in Port Washington
Manhasset, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Councilman Fred Pollack today announced that the Town has received $285,000 from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund (EPF). Included is a $135,000 for pollution control improvements for Mill Pond in Port Washington.
"Thanks to the efforts of Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington and the Town's Planning Department in obtaining this grant we can continue to move forward toward revitalizing Mill Pond," said Supervisor Kaiman.
"This grant is an important recognition by the State of the crucial role our waterfront plays in the recreational and commercial life of out community. It will be of significant help in meeting our goal of improving Mill Pond and Manhasset Bay," added Councilman Pollack.
The Town will implement non point source pollution control improvements for the six acre, tidally influenced Mill Pond in the Village of Port Washington. The project will include storm water collection units, sediment retention and spillway modifications.
"Residents for a more Beautiful Port Washington, congratulates the Town on being awarded this grant for this important project," said Jennifer Rimmer, Executive Director of Residents for a more Beautiful Port Washington. "Through funding from a private donor, Residents is committed to continuing to work together with the Town of North Hempstead on the revitalization and landscaping of this historic pond."