Immediate Release Contact: Collin Nash or Justin Meyers
August 12, 2008 516-869-7794
Town Honors Sand Miners at Monument Ground Breaking Ceremony
Port Washington, NY—Supervisor Jon Kaiman and members of the North Hempstead Town Board paid tribute to immigrant sand mine workers at the official ground breaking ceremony to establish a memorial in their honor, Monday, August 11, 2008. The groundbreaking ceremony, attended by numerous elected officials from the Town, County and State, represented a major advancement of an initiative proposed by the Sandminers Monument Inc., a foundation established to honor sand mine workers who labored in Port Washington for over 100 years. North Hempstead collaborated with the Sandminers Monument Inc. and agreed to allow use of Town property for the noteworthy project.
“It is extremely important to recognize our history and identify those who worked hard to shape it,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “Today’s event is a testament to those sand miners who helped shape our Town of North Hempstead and the greater metropolitan area.”
Immigrant sand miners came to America at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century seeking work in local sand mining operations. Since the 1880’s more than 150 million yards of sand were delivered from Port Washington to New York City.
“There are not too many places in America where we dedicate and honor our workers,” said Councilman Fred Pollack. “Port Washington will now have a visual reminder of the diligence and hard work on behalf of the sand miners.”
Many descendants of the immigrant sand miners continue to live in Port Washington and attended the ground breaking ceremony directly off West Shore Road in Port Washington.
For more information on the sand miners monument please call 1-516-869-7794.

(L to R) Councilwoman Maria Christina Poons, President of Sandminer’s Monument Inc. Leo Cimini, Former Sandminer Anthony Scopas, Country Executive Thomas Souzzi, Councilman Fred Pollack, Former Sandminer Tony DeMalas, North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman, Former Sandminer Mike Pinnia, Former Sandminer John Murro, Town Clerk Leslie Gross, Councilwoman Lee Seeman and Director of North Hempstead’s BTDC Louise Fishman.

Supervisor Jon Kaiman and President of Sandminer’s Monument Inc. Leo Cimini are joined by County Executive Tom Souzzi as they break ground at the Sandminers Monument Ceremony.

Councilman Fred Pollack, who represents Port Washington among other areas, speaks to the history and importance of Sandmining in Port Washington.