FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 20, 2023
MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
Council Member Lurvey Launches Go Green NHTV Series to Empower Residents for Sustainable Living
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Council Member Veronica Lurvey is excited to introduce Go Green North Hempstead TV, a series designed to help residents take actionable steps to live a more sustainable life. Each topic is broken down into easy steps so residents can have fun while doing something great for the planet. This initiative is being launched as part of the community engagement plan for the Climate Smart Communities Task Force.
"Through 'Go Green NHTV,' we aim to inspire positive change in our community that benefits our environment," said Council Member Lurvey. "Our residents want to make changes to help North Hempstead thrive in a changing climate. This series will help them get started."
In the first episode to be released, “Plant Native for the Planet,” Council Member Lurvey leads viewers into the world of native plants - why they are important, how to choose the right plants and get started planting a native garden as well as how to maintain the garden for years to come.
“I hope residents discover that by using native plants you find yourself in a win-win situation. They are beautiful, beneficial to pollinators and other wildlife, less work, less stress on our natural resources, and less costly to maintain,” Lurvey added.
“Planting Native for the Planet” is currently available on the Town’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/townofnorthhempstead. This episode will be premiering on Friday, September 29 at 5:30 p.m. on NHTV - channel 18 or 65 on Cablevision, 46 on Verizon, or through MyNHTV.com.
Expanding beyond Council Member Lurvey's contributions, upcoming episodes will feature a segment with Council Member Mariann Dalimonte, offering valuable insights on sustainable transportation. Council Member Dalimonte’s program will offer practical tips and creative solutions to diminish our carbon footprint while encouraging eco-friendly commuting choices among North Hempstead residents. The transportation episode will aim to cultivate a more environmentally-conscious community, inspiring positive change in our residents' transportation habits.
‘Go Green North Hempstead TV’ is part of the Town’s Climate Education and Engagement Plan. For more information on the Town’s Sustainability initiatives visit North HempsteadNY.gov/Sustainability.