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Town Council Member Peter Zuckerman and East Hills Mayor Michael Koblenz Hold Productive Meeting with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's Office to Address Airplane Noise

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 21, 2023
MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794

Town Council Member Peter Zuckerman and East Hills Mayor Michael Koblenz Hold Productive Meeting with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's Office to Address Airplane Noise  

North Hempstead, NY – East Hills Mayor Michael Koblenz, in collaboration with Town Council Member Peter Zuckerman, convened a critical meeting with U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's (D-NY) Long Island regional director, Michael Scheid, on September 20, 2023, at Village Hall in the Village of East Hills. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the flight plan analysis and next steps in tackling the persistent issue of excessive airplane noise affecting North Hempstead residents.

For many years, North Hempstead has grappled with the adverse effects of airplane noise, which has had a significant impact on the quality of life for residents in the region. Council Member Zuckerman, who championed a recent resolution to allocate funds for a comprehensive flight plan analysis, and Mayor Koblenz, who has long been an advocate for equitable distribution of flights to reduce noise and air pollution, joined forces to seek solutions.

Mayor Koblenz articulated his dedication to resolving the airplane noise issue, saying, "Since the beginning of the airplane crisis over a decade ago, I have been trying to find a resolution to abate the noise and the air pollution caused by excessive airplanes overhead. The solution we seek is simply an equitable distribution of flights, so everyone shares equally. I am grateful to Senator Gillibrand for working with us, and to Councilman Peter Zuckerman for joining us in making every effort to resolve this highly crucial issue."

Council Member Peter Zuckerman, who has been at the forefront of efforts to address the airplane noise problem, expressed optimism about the collaborative approach. He stated, "Our meeting with Senator Gillibrand's office was a significant step forward in our mission to alleviate airplane noise in North Hempstead. It's clear that we are not alone in recognizing the importance of this issue, and we appreciate Senator Gillibrand's commitment to working with us on a solution that benefits our community. We remain dedicated to ensuring a safer and more peaceful environment for all our residents."

The meeting with Senator Gillibrand's Long Island regional director took place on September 20, 2023, at Village Hall, representing a key milestone in the ongoing efforts to find solutions to the airplane noise problem. It underscores the commitment of both local and federal representatives to address the concerns of North Hempstead residents and explore effective measures to mitigate the impact of excessive airplane noise.

The flight plan analysis, funded by the recent resolution, will provide essential data to guide future actions aimed at achieving a more equitable distribution of flights and reducing airplane noise in the region.

Council Member Zuckerman speaks to theaudience during a meeting with the Village of East Hills.

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