Immediate Release Contact: Collin Nash
September 3, 2008 (516) 869-7794
Seniors Gather for Final Funday Monday of 2008!
Port Washington, NY—The hot and humid weather could not wilt the enthusiasm of attendees to North Hempstead’s final Funday Monday on August 25, 2008, where hundreds of seniors gathered to talk, dance and renew old acquaintances at North Hempstead Beach Park. Administered by North Hempstead’s Department of Community Services, the ultra-popular program offered North Hempstead seniors many days of dancing, entertainment, card-playing and live music while enjoying the sights and sounds of the town beach.
Supervisor Kaiman stated, “Each year the Funday Monday program grows in numbers and more seniors take advantage of the chance to enjoy the town beach, listen to live bands, and talk with old friends.”
The 2008 Funday Monday programs offered a wide variety of themes and entertainment including Square Dancing Day with music by John Walter, Hawaiian Day accompanied by “DJ” Ron Coleman and Patriotic Day with Stan & Eddie performing classic hits. In addition, Funday Monday offered line dancing lessons, fitness & nutrition instructions by a certified trainer, and free bus service for seniors in select locations throughout the town.
For more information on the 2009 Funday Monday program or up-and-coming 2008 events from the Department of Community Services, please call 311.

An information center, courtesy of NY State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, offers seniors at Funday Monday a chance to learn more about potential unclaimed funds.

Friends gather to play cards by the beach during the final Funday Monday, August 25, 2008.

A couple dances to live music with North Hempstead Beach Park in the background.