For Immediate Release Contact: Collin Nash
September 29, 2008 (516) 869-7794
Mill Pond Park Water Quality Improvement Project Begins
Port Washington, NY--Supervisor Jon Kaiman announced today that the town of North Hempstead has officially begun the major restoration effort at Mill Pond. This project, which has been in the planning stages for several years, will take about a year to complete.
It will include dredging some 10,000 cubic yards of sediment, reshaping the bottom of the pond to enhance its ecology, repairing the wall surrounding the pond and creating a better flow between the pond and Manhasset Bay.
The park area surrounding the pond will be improved with new landscaping and benches as well as a new brick walkway.
Funding for the $5.1 million project has come from Federal, State and County governments, illustrating how inter-municipal cooperation can make seemingly unaffordable projects a reality.
Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington also obtained a $100,000 grant from Ed & Dorothy Slade that will be used to enhance the landscaping.
For more information on the restoration of Mill Pond, please call 311.

This picture taken in June shows the sediment build up at the east end of Mill Pond.

This picture taken after the Town of North Hempstead’s water quality improvement project began in September shows the dredger pulling up sediments from the bottom of Mill Pond.