Immediate Release May 12, 2004
Contact: David Chauvin (516) 869-7794
Town Board Approves Green Area Parks Funding For New Hyde Park
New Hyde Park, NY - North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Councilman Angelo Ferrara announced that Tuesday night the Town Board unanimously approved $205,450 worth of funding for three passive parks in the Jericho Turnpike area in New Hyde Park.
In an agreement between the town, the Village of New Hyde Park, the local Holy Spirit Church and MLD Realty, three vacant areas will be renovated for designation as green areas. Councilman Angelo Ferrara, who represents most of New Hyde Park, introduced the resolutions.
The money will be bonded as part of the town's ongoing efforts for open land preservation. The town expects the parks to be completed by the fall.