For Immediate Release Contact: Collin Nash or Sid Nathan
January 3, 2011 (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead 311 Call Center Responds to Record Number of Service Requests in 2010
Upwards of 167,000 Total SR’s Logged to Reduce Red Tape
North Hempstead, NY—Supervisor Jon Kaiman and the North Hempstead Town Board recently announced another 311 Call Center milestone—the second highpoint in 2010 for the Call Center that has evolved as the Town’s preeminent nerve center.
Still enjoying the euphoria of recently fielding its half-millionth constituent call since its creation in 2004, the 311 Call Center logged a record 167,472 service requests in 2010 alone, an increase of 54,749 calls over the previous year’s total of 112,723.
“I am extremely proud that North Hempstead’s 311 Call Center has become a model of how suburban municipalities throughout then nation can connect with their constituents and better serve their needs,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “The numbers don’t lie. More and more residents continue to use 311 as a vehicle for accessing government and critical services in a timely fashion.”
Supervisor Kaiman established the 311 Call Center soon after coming to office six years ago.
The 311 Call Center delivers on two fronts: helping employees to better manage their workloads while improving responsiveness to constituents’ inquiries and concerns.
Staffed by professional, friendly operators who are able to answer a myriad of questions—from inquiries about the State of the Town event to requests for fixing pot holes to removing downed trees—the 311 Call Center staff also connects constituents to Town departments for further assistance.
The Center was, in great part, made possible through a $500,000 federal grant through the offices of Senator Chuck Schumer and support from then Senator Hillary Clinton and Congressman Gary Ackerman and Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy.
Up until recently, it operated only on week days. Now, though, the operating hours have been extended to include Sundays from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Married to TownStat—the Town’s tool for Performance Management and Measurement—the 311 Call Center has yet another key function: the ability to track key trends and employee performance, ensuring that realistic goals can be set.
“Our ability to analyze data is essential,” Supervisor Kaiman said. “This allows us to understand the nature of the service requests we receive each day and focus our attention on ways to best provide our resources while ensuring our tax money is spent wisely.”
Supervisor Kaiman (r) tours Senator Chuck Schumer (center) around the 311 Call Center