For Immediate Release Contact: Collin Nash or Sid Nathan
May 13, 2011 (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Introduces American Flag Rugby Program at Caemmerer Park
Albertson, NY— With sports programs in many schools being eliminated or whittled down due to deep cuts in aid to Long Island schools, Supervisor Jon Kaiman and the North Hempstead Town Board announced last week the introduction of a co-ed American flag rugby program at Caemmerer Park in Albertson.
The program, intended for children K-12, runs through June and July and features Saturday morning tournaments.
“Introducing non-contact flag ruby to youngsters give them a life-long sport they can take with them anywhere in the world,” said Alan Whelan, the program’s founder and coordinator and the coach of the Long Island Colts. “In light of budgetary cuts, many schools are introducing ruby because it’s less expensive to outfit the kids in uniforms,” Whelan said.
Flag rugby is a fast seven a side game where every player gets to pass, run with the ball and score. It is played on a short field. Today the game of rugby is played by 4.4 million people in over 120 countries across six continents. Females represent a sizeable percentage of those who play the game.
North Hempstead’s flag ruby program invites individuals interested in coaching to join Alan Whelan and his coaching staff who will be only too happy to teach you the fundamentals of the game.
“Like most sports, rugby promotes skills and values that young people can benefit from throughout their entire lives,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “We encourage everyone to support this exciting program.”
To sign up or get more information, contact Alan Whelan at 516-248-0445 or go online to the following websites: www.americanflagrugby.com; www.rookierugby.com/teachers or www.facebook.com/AmericanFlagRugby.

North Hempstead Parks Commissioner Don Zauner, Supervisor Jon Kaiman, Alan Whelan