For Immediate Release Media Contacts: Collin Nash, Sid Nathan, and Jason Elan
August 15, 2011 (516) 869-7794
North Hempstead Receiver Berman Hosts Senior Seminar on Tax Exemptions
Manhasset, NY— North Hempstead Receiver Charles Berman recently hosted a tax exemption seminar for senior residents at Town Hall on Thursday, August 11. The seminar, which brought in over 100 residents from areas all throughout the Town, was an opportunity for taxpayers to listen about various programs that are geared towards reducing their overall tax burden and ensuring that they keep more of their hard earned money in their pockets.
“The event was an overwhelming success,” said Receiver Charles Berman. “It is vital for taxpayers to have a firm understanding of programs that are available to them that can substantially reduce the amount of taxes they pay each year. As Receiver, I am committed to ensuring that our seniors are never left out of the loop, and seminars like these help to meet this goal.”
Supervisor Jon Kaiman added, “We encourage all residents to take advantage of these seminars and all of the information they have to offer.”

Receiver Charles Berman hosts his senior tax exemption seminar to a packed audience in Town Hall.