Immediate Release
November 8, 2004
Contact: David Chauvin
(516) 869-7794
A Call for Coats -
Let’s Keep Everyone Warm
Manhasset, NY- Winter is coming and some of us will be a lot colder than others unless we act quickly. With that in mind, North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Town Clerk Michelle Schimel are participating in the NCA Coats for Kids Program that will put your gently-used outerwear on the kids and adults who really need them this winter. (Despite its title, this is a collection of coats for kids and adults.)
“If you haven’t worn it in the last three years, chances are you won’t - so please think about donating it!” said Michelle Schimel, citing a rule of thumb when sorting through your closets for potential donations. Collection boxes are located in Town Hall (220 Plandome Road) and at the Town Clerk’s Office (200 Plandome Road).
Our coat drive continues through Wednesday, December 15, 2004. Remember, those unused coats can do a lot more than warm your closets. In fact, donating them will probably bring warmth to you as well as the new owners.
For more information on the happenings in the Town of North Hempstead, check out our website at