For Immediate Release Media Contacts: Collin Nash, Sid Nathan, and Jason Elan
September 26, 2011 (516) 869-7794
Manhasset Youth Gather at Manhasset Valley Park for Practice Exhibition
Supervisor Kaiman: Revitalization Project of Park Moving Forward
Manhasset, NY— Supervisor Jon Kaiman joined hundreds of youth athletes, parents and coaches at Manhasset Valley Park on a recent Sunday to showcase the revitalization of the 12-acre, mixed-use grounds.
The event, which was hosted by the Manhasset Police Athletic League (PAL) and several other youth organizations, brought together more than100 soccer, lacrosse and baseball players for the massive, pre-season practice session.
“Projects such as this demonstrates our commitment to continue enhancing North Hempstead’s infrastructure even with less programming and operational dollars at our disposal”, Supervisor Kaiman said. “I applaud the efforts of the PAL and our other partners who helped make this happen.”
As dozens of parents packed into the bleachers cheered them on, the boys’ third grade lacrosse program took to the new turf for the two-hour morning session beginning at 9:00 am. The first- and second -grade soccer program rounded the morning with ball handling and strength training drills.
“It’s clear from the reaction of both coaches and parents, everyone appreciates Supervisor Kaiman’s vision and leadership in championing revitalization of recreational spaces throughout the Town and allowing residents of every age to continue to enjoy the quality of life North Hempstead constituents have become accustomed to,” said Roger Coleman, Chairman of Indians Rock, a non-profit which raises funds for the community at large and various youth sports groups and the Manhasset Little League. “On behalf of the coaches, parents and children, I reiterate our gratitude and look forward to working with Supervisor Kaiman as this project unfolds.”
This past August, Supervisor Kaiman and the North Hempstead Town Board authorized the project, which involves two components: a recreational and an environmental element.
The Town has received more than $1 million in grants to help pay for the project and expect to fund the remaining costs through federal grants over the next several years.
The Manhasset PAL also has committed to contributing upwards of $150,000 toward the costs of the overall project. Indians Rock will contribute an additional $300,000. Additionally, the United Stated Corps of Engineers committed $840,000 toward the engineering analysis of the design for the waterway remediation component of the project.
The recreational facet of the renovation involves reconstructing the baseball field, including the installation of a turf infield and an addition of an athletic field adjacent to the baseball field. It will also include bathroom upgrades to comply with the Americans with Disability Act, as well as new walking paths, additional parking and new plantings.

Supervisor Jon Kaiman outlines new Manhasset Valley Park improvements to a large group of youth athletes and parents

Youth athletes and parents gather at Manhasset Valley Park