For Immediate Release Media Contacts: Collin Nash and Sid Nathan
December 9, 2011 (516) 869-7794
TNH Annual Winter Wonderland Extravaganza, Including Toy Drive, Promises More Wonder Than Ever
Albertson, NY— As the sights and sounds of the Christmas holidays kick in, Supervisor Jon Kaiman and the North Hempstead Town Board announced that Clark Botanic Gardens is gearing up to celebrate what has become an area tradition: the annual Town of North Hempstead Winter Wonderland extravaganza.
Featuring a fanciful festival of lights designed to spread the holiday cheer and decorations to delight all ages, the Town’s final festival of the year will take place Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 10 – Dec. 19 at Clark Botanic Garden in Albertson.
Admission to Winter Wonderland is free. The decorations will remain on display until Dec. 26.
Also, in the holiday spirit of giving, a Toys for Tots drive will be held throughout the ten-day event. Supervisor Kaiman urges all Winter Wonderland visitors to share the holiday spirit with the less fortunate, by bringing a wrapped toy as a donation to this worthy cause.
Winter Wonderland boasts a host of fun activities and scenes.
The little ones, for example, may have to compete with older enthusiasts to get a glimpse of the true-to-life, train display—sponsored by Willis Hobby Shop—outdoors in the living room of Old Clark House.
Planned for the children as well as the children-at-heart, there will be plenty of opportunities to bake and decorate cookies and hang out with a special guest orator at Storytelling by the Fire.
Visitors will also have the opportunity to take in the seasonal flora and lighted landscape on a tour of Clark Garden tour or listen to live holiday music, among other things.
Clark Botanic Garden is located at 193 I.E. Willets Road, Albertson.
Following is a schedule of dates and times of the Winter Wonderland spotlight events:
Dec. 17th & 18th - Cookie baking from 12:00 – 4:00
Dec 17th & 18th – Winter Garden Tour 1:00, 2:00 & 3:00 (both days)
Dec 18th 5:15pm – Storytelling by the Fire
Please call 311 for more information.