For Immediate Release Media Contacts: Collin Nash and Sid Nathan
December 22, 2011 (516) 869-7794
Kaiman, Russell Join with Park Ave School and Fire Officials at Tree Lighting Ceremony
North Hempstead, NY — Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Town Councilwoman Viviana L. Russell joined in the holiday celebrations on Dec. 10 as Santa Clause made a grand entrance, arriving atop the cherry-picker ladder of a Westbury Fire Department engine during the annual tree lighting at the offices of the Unified New Cassel Community Revitalization Corp. (UNCCRC)
Spreading the holiday cheer and bringing smiles to the scores of Park Avenue Elementary School students who previously decorated the ten-foot tree with ornaments they made in school, Santa Clause handed out gifts donated by the New Cassel Business Association.
Other officials attending the tree lighting included Westbury Fire Department Commissioners Kenneth Jones and Vincent Abbatiello as well as Bishop. Lionel Harvey, the president of UNCCRC

New Cassel community members gather in front of the Christmas tree.