MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash & Sid Nathan | (516) 869-7794
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Hosts Community Outreach Meeting
North Hempstead, NY - Last week, members of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy played host to government officials and local leaders at the Merchant Marine Museum in Kings Point for the first USMMA Community Outreach Meeting. The question and answer session was an important step in the Academy’s goal of creating a Strategic Plan.
According to Academy leadership, the Strategic Plan will serve as a road map to help them better prioritize investments and provide a first-class education for all Kings Point midshipmen. Once completed, the Plan will represent the strategic vision for the Academy and bolster its ability to attract a talented student body to serve the maritime needs of the nation well into the future.
Getting feedback from the community is just one of several tasks that must be completed before the strategic plan is finalized.
“The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy encourages local participation and dialogue as it develops its strategic plan and values being part of the greater community,” said Marcie Katcher, Director of External Affairs for the Academy. “We were pleased so many local leaders took part in the planning session and provided valuable feedback and ideas.”
Among those attending the outreach meeting were Town Clerk Leslie Gross; Councilwoman Lee Seeman; Councilwoman Anna Kaplan; Jerry Scharfman, on behalf of Representative Gary Ackerman, John Quinn, representing the Nassau County Police Dept., Thomas Dolan, Superintendent of Great Neck Public Schools; Ken Bleck and Micah Tucker of Vigilant Fire Company; Ralph Kreitzman, Mayor of the Village of Great Neck; Dan Levy, Mayor of the Village of Saddle Rock; and Louise Fishman, Executive Director of Business & Tourism for the Town of North Hempstead.
“I’m very honored that the Merchant Marine Academy invited me to be a part of their community outreach meeting,” said Town of North Hempstead Councilwoman Lee Seeman, a member of Congressman Gary Ackerman’s Review Board for prospective Merchant Marine Academy applicants. “The Academy plays an integral part in the life of our nation and it’s imperative that a highly creative, innovative and well-structured long-term strategic plan is instituted.”
The Academy will use the feedback from the meeting to help define its mission, values, and strategic goals. The finalized plan is expected to be completed between June and July of this year.
“It is of great importance that the United State Merchant Marine Academy continues to attract talented students who will serve the Nation’s maritime needs,” stated Councilwoman Anna Kaplan. “It is my hope that the Strategic Plan will be a potent tool in helping define the much-needed structural improvements to such an important maritime academy.”
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Strategic Plan, the Merchant Marine Academy would love to hear from you! Just send your comments to StrategicPlan@usmma.edu.

Dr. Jerry Scharfman, Mayor of Saddle Rock Dan Levy, Councilwoman Lee Seeman, Mayor of Great Neck Ralph Kreitzman, Interim Director of the American Merchant Marine Museum Joshua Smith, Ken Bleck and Micah Tucker of Vigilant Fire Company, and Councilwoman Anna Kaplan.