MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash & Sid Nathan | (516) 869-7794
TONH’s First S.T.O.P Event of the Year Breaks Previous Attendance Records
North Hempstead, NY– Supervisor Jon Kaiman and the Town Board announced that North Hempstead’s first waste-collection event of the year, which targeted environmentally-toxic household products as well as recyclables, was a staggering success.
Operated under the umbrella of the Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (S.T.O.P.) program, the March 31 event at Tully Park drew over 1,200 vehicles, more than doubling the previous attendance record.
The one-stop drop-off event allowed residents to safely and conveniently dispose of everything from household chemicals and e-waste, to unwanted prescription and over-the-counter drugs, to sensitive personal information and gently-used clothes. In just five-and-a-half hours, the program reaped 10.36 tons of e-waste, 640 pounds of pharmaceuticals, 5,460 pounds of shredded documents, and 2,234 pounds of used clothing.
“Recognizing the potential dangers posed by the improper disposal of hazardous household products, sensitive documents and the myriad of electronic gadgets and gizmos that the typical household collects over time,” Supervisor Kaiman said, “the Town of North Hempstead is committed to giving residents a one-stop opportunity to dispose of these items in an environmentally-friendly way. With each recycling event we host we come closer to our goal of changing the nature of garbage.”
Previously, the S.T.O.P. event was limited to the collection of household products such as aerosols, cleaners, pesticides, disinfectants, fertilizers, batteries, and oil-based paints.
With a goal of creating a culture of reducing, reusing and recycling as much as possible, the Town of North Hempstead hosts four S.T.O.P. events a year.
The remaining three events will be held Saturday, June 9 at the Solid Waste Management Authority, 802 West Shore Rd., Port Washington; Saturday, September 8 at Michael J. Tully Park, 1801 Evergreen Ave., New Hyde Park; and Sunday, November 4 at North Hempstead Beach Park, 175 West Shore Rd., Port Washington.
For more information on the S.T.O.P. Program, please call 311.