Town Pitches in to Establish Coastal Signage
Immediate Release:|Contact David Chauvin 516869-7794| March 7, 2005
Port Washington, NY - Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Councilman Fred Pollack are pleased to announce the unanimous decision made at last week’s Town Board meeting to give a grant to the Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee to help in the group’s coastal signage campaign.
“As an active member of the committee, I am elated that the Town can provide this additional support to make our waterfront more visitor friendly,” said Councilman Pollack. “These signs will provide an educational asset to our already invaluable walking area.”
The grant is for $3,600 which will help fund the signs, which will feature facts about wildlife along the waterfronts and other environmental information. The signs will be featured along Hempstead Harbor.
“I am glad to help this organization give back to the community in the best way possible: providing knowledge,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “I thank all those involved and look forward to learning form the signs.”