FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2012
MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash & Sid Nathan | (516) 869-7794
Town of North Hempstead Announces 4th Annual Recycled Artwork Contest
New Cassel, NY– With the School Recycling Partnership Program now a key component of North Hempstead’s comprehensive efforts to protect the environment, Supervisor Jon Kaiman and the North Hempstead Town Board announced the kick-off of the 4th Annual Recycled Artwork Contest.
“Students are invited to use their creativity to promote recycling in their schools and in their community,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “I know our talented students will find a way to create treasures from trash.”
The rules of the contest are simple; each student must use either recycled materials or materials that can be recycled, including metals, paper, rubber, plastic or cloth to create a piece of art. In the interest of safety, Town officials advise against students in elementary schools using glass. All submissions must be entered, with labels, by November 18, 2012.
All K-12 students are eligible and students in districts participating in the Town’s School Recycling Partnership Program are especially encouraged to contribute.
Entries will be judged by the North Hempstead Arts Advisory Committee. Winners will be honored at The Great Neck Arts Center on Monday, December 17th at a special ceremony at 6:00pm. In addition, all entries will be displayed from December 5th through January 4th 2014, in the gallery at the Great Neck Arts Center.
“The beginning of the new school year is an ideal time to remind each and every student in our Town about the importance of recycling,” said Fran Reid, Director of Environmental Planning for the Town and head of the Recycling Partnership Program. “The annual Recycled Artwork Contest is intended to help spread the powerful message of reduce, reuse, and recycle.”
The Recycled Art Contest has been a huge success in the past, featuring hundreds of entries and thousands of participants. With the help of Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel the past couple of years, the Town was able to take the exhibit to NYS Capital in Albany.
Last year, students from Westbury and Wheatley High Schools traveled to Albany view the exhibit, as well as visit with elected officials and members of the Department of Environmental Conservation. Assemblywoman Schimel’s office has already made arrangements for all of this year’s winning artwork to be shown in March at the state capital.
Also, for the first time this year, the Town will be sponsoring a “Trashion Show”. The event, which encourages students to make fashionable clothing out of recyclable trash, will take place on Wednesday, December 19th at 6:00pm at the Town’s brand new “Yes We Can” Community Center in New Cassel.
For entry forms or additional information regarding either the Recycled Artwork Contest or “Trashion Show”, please visit www.northhempsteadny.gov, or call 311.