FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 11, 2012
MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash & Sid Nathan | (516) 869-7794
Hundreds Raise Curtains on Holiday Festivities at the Annual Manhasset Tree Lighting Ceremony
Manhasset, NY—Braving cold, drizzly conditions, hundreds flocked to Mary Jane Davies Park last week to join North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman, members of the Town Board and other elected officials in the celebration of a holiday event that has become a local tradition: The annual Manhasset Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Most of the 300-strong crowd, including several village mayors, Nassau County Legislator Wayne Wink, County Comptroller George Maragos, and Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, enjoyed cookies and hot chocolate as the December 7 program progressed under the gazebo.
Greeting the throngs of guests, Supervisor Kaiman thanked the co-sponsors of the program, the Manhasset Park District, the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce, the Manhasset Lakeville Fire and Water District as well as the Town’s Administrative Services and Community Services Departments, which coordinated the celebration.
Supervisor Kaiman, reminding the crowd that the date of the ceremony coincided with Pearl Harbor Day, paid tribute to the thousands who perished during the Japanese attack on the Hawaiian island. “Unlike that horrific Sunday in 1941, today is a day of peace,” he said, “and these lights that will soon illuminate this majestic tree are a symbol of life.”
Earlier, members of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars recited the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
After, Rev. Laurie Burgess of the Congregational Church blessed the ceremony and the Manhasset High School Brass Choir, directed by Randy Knudsen, played traditional Christmas music.
As is the custom, Nancy Morris, chair of the annual holiday poster contest, handed out wards to the 21 winners ranging in age from kindergarten to sixth grade.
The children, Supervisor Kaiman observed before lighting the tree, appear as if they are growing in stride with the main object of the evenings event, the ever-rising spruce nestled on the southeast side of the park.
“As they get bigger,” he said, “the tree gets bigger.”