MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash & Sid Nathan | (516) 869-7794
Town of North Hempstead Announces Earth Day Video Contest
North Hempstead, NY– With Earth Day rapidly approaching, Supervisor Jon Kaiman and the North Hempstead Town Board recently announced the fifth annual Town of North Hempstead Earth Day Video Contest.
Contestants entering this year’s competition, themed “Plastic Ain’t My Bag”, will be challenged to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to educate residents about the hazards plastic bags pose to the environment and suggest ways to reduce their excessive use.
“To inspire North Hempstead’s young people to become stewards of their environment, we invite them through a variety of unique contests, including the Recycled Art Contest and the Trashion Show, to use their imagination and creativity to promote recycling in their schools and their community,” said Supervisor Kaiman. “Encouraging them to protect the environment now is a priceless investment for their future.”
To be eligible for consideration, the submission must be made by a student or group of students enrolled in one or more schools that participate in the Town of North Hempstead School Recycling Partnership Program. Only one submission per student or group will be permitted. To see a list of eligible schools, please visit www.northhempsteadny.gov. Submissions must be original and unpublished works. Any video that has previously aired, in any form, will not be considered.
Entries must be submitted by March 22 in a Windows Media Player DVD format and shall not be longer than 2 minutes. Upon submission, all entries become the property of the Town of North Hempstead.
An entry form and general release form signed by a parent or guardian of each individual student appearing in the video must accompany each submission. Failure to submit an entry form and/or general release will bar consideration. Forms are available online at: www.northhempsteadny.gov.
Entries will be judged based on relevance to the theme, originality, appeal, presentation, and persuasiveness. They will be judged by the Town’s Ecological Commission, consisting of five members.
The winning video contest entry will be aired on the Town’s television channel, which reaches 260,000 North Hempstead residents, and will be posted on YouTube. The creator of the winning entry will also be recognized at a Town awards ceremony.
For more information, please call 311.