MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash, Ryan Mulholland, & Sam Marksheid | (516) 869-7794
Town Hosts MLB Pitch, Hit & Run Competition
North Hempstead, NY–Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman, the Town Board, the Town Department of Parks and Recreation, and the North Shore Athletics Club, are hosting a local competition of the Major League Baseball “Pitch, Hit, and Run” competition. The event will take place Saturday, May 11, 2013 from 9:30am to 4:00pm at Manorhaven Beach Park in Port Washington.
Pitch, Hit, and Run is a FREE skills competition for boys and girls, ages seven to fourteen, where they are measured on their ability to pitch, hit, and run. The pitching portion will test a competitor’s ability to hit the strike zone from a designated distance. The hitting portion of the program will test how far and how accurately the player can hit a ball off a stationary tee. Finally, the running part of the event will measure foot speed via a sprint from the start line through home plate.
Approximately 75 competitors will move on to the sectional championship which will be held at North Hempstead Beach Park on May 18th from 9am to 1pm. Winners will then move on to the Team Championship round to be held at CitiField in June. The National Finals will also be at CitiField, as part of the festivities for this year’s MLB All-Star Game in July.
Supervisor Kaiman said, “This is an exciting event that can make dreams come true for young athletes right here in our own backyard. I am proud that North Hempstead is hosting this event at two of our crown jewel parks.”
To register for this program, log on to www.northshoreathleticsclub.com or call 516-453-0990. You can also call 311 for more information.