MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash, Ryan Mulholland, & Sam Marksheid | (516) 869-7794
Town Awarded ASPCA Grant Following New Cassel Dog-Fighting Ring
North Hempstead, NY– North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman recently announced that the Town has received a $10,000 grant from the ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® to help offset the costs incurred by the Animal Shelter of caring for eighteen pit bulls rescued from a New Cassel dog-fighting ring in January.
Total medical costs for these dogs is expected to be in the vicinity of $14,000, with the Nassau County District Attorney’s Animal Cruelty Division paying $4,000 of that fee, meaning the town will not incur any of the medical costs.
“I am pleased to see that the ASPCA recognizes the great work of the North Hempstead Animal Shelter during such a difficult time as the aftermath of the New Cassel dog-fighting ring,” Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman said. “These funds will go a long way to ensuring that we continue to respond to animal cruelty in our Town, properly care for animals in our shelter, and ultimately find homes for them.”
“The ASPCA sees the devastating effects that dog fighting has on these animals all too often, and understands the complex medical and mental rehabilitation that is required,” said Justine Dang, director of anti-cruelty group operations at the ASPCA. “It is our hope that this grant will relieve some of the financial pressure facing the North Hempstead Animal Shelter as they care for these dogs that now have hope for a happy life.”
North Hempstead Animal Shelter Director Susan Hasett said, “We thank the ASPCA for the grant and their continued support. We will continue to work with the Nassau County Animal Crimes Unit to ensure the safe and compassionate care of the animals in our community. "