Our Services > Sustainability Programs > Native Plants around the Town > Native Plant Trial Garden > Native Plant Trial Gardens
Native Plant Trial Garden

Click on the links to find out more about the plant species in the garden:
Purple Giant hyssop (Agastache scrophulariifolia)
Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum)
Hyssopleaf Thoroughwort (Eupatorium hyssopifolium)
Blue Wood Aster (Symphyotrichum cordifolium)
Gray Goldenrod (Solidago nemoralis)
Common Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)
Golden Ragwort (Packera aurea)
Blue Stem Goldenrod (Solidago caesia)
Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata)
Slender Bush Clover (Lespedeza virginica)
Hoary Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum incanum)
Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii)
Narrow Leaf Evening Primrose (Oenothera fruticosa)
Zigzag Goldenrod (Solidago flexicaulis)
Hemp Dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum)
Eastern Beebalm (Monarda bradburiana)
Broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus)
Sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale)- removed at end of 2023
Grass Leaved Goldenrod (Euthamia graminifolia)- removed at end of 2023
Stiff Goldenrod (Solidago rigida)- removed at end of 2023