Our Services > Sustainability Programs > Climate Action > Get Involved! > Get Involved!
Get Involved!
Here are current actions you can take to help the Town reduce its impact on climate change:
Go Green NHTV
This series is designed to help residents take actionable steps to live a more sustainable life. Videos topics include native plants, recycling and going car free. Watch HERE.
Climate Stories Project
The Town hosted a workshop on sharing personal stories about climate change to build an inclusive and effective movement to confront the climate crisis. To watch a recording of the workshop click HERE.

To create your story answer 3 short questions related to your feelings on climate change Your story will then be shared with the community to help us understand why climate change affects everyone personally and what we can do to help mitigate and adapt in our changing world.
Click HERE to share your story.
Read stories by community members HERE.
Small Business Spotlight Highlights Green Businesses
The Town launched a campaign to showcase sustainable businesses in North Hempstead. These businesses can apply to be a part of the Town's Small Business Spotlight and be showcased for their green practices.