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Contractors' Corner 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I become a Qualified Contractor with CDA? 

Contractors pre-qualified to bid on Community Development Agency home improvement contracts and other construction jobs receive notices of open bidding for all Agency projects. 

What contractors are eligible for Qualified Contractor designation by CDA?

A home improvement general contractor, trade contractor, or contractor specializing in architectural barrier renovations is eligible for Qualified Contractor designation by the Community Development Agency if they:

What is the procedure for becoming a Qualified Contractor with CDA?

A contractor seeking to become pre-qualified may print or download a copy of the CDA's Contractor Qualification Application by clicking here. Completed applications should be mailed with required supporting documents to: 

Town of North Hempstead Community Development Agency 
51 Orchard Street 
Roslyn Heights, New York 11577 

What are common characteristics of jobs that the CDA bids out to Qualified Contractors? What is the process of awarding a CDA construction contract? 

CDA construction jobs generally range from between $3,500 and $25,000, with the scope of work consisting, in whole or in part, of the replacement and repair of roofs, windows, entry doors, siding and trim, stoops, driveways and walkways, electrical and plumbing systems, and other devices and equipment. 

Generally, CDA jobs must begin within 15 to 30 days of the date of opening of the bid, and must be completed within 15 to 45 days of the issuance of a notice to proceed. Awards are disbursed in progress payments, less a retainage. 

What CDA jobs are currently open for bidding? 

For a list of projects that the Community Development Agency is currently accepting bids, click here.http://www.bidnetdirect.com//townofnorthhempsteadcda 

How do I learn more the Contractor Qualification Program and jobs open for bidding? 

To find out more about our Contractor Qualification Program and projects open for bidding, you can call or write to the Town of North Hempstead Community Development Agency as follows: 

Town of North Hempstead Community Development Agency 
51 Orchard Street 
Roslyn Heights, New York 11577 
(516) 869-2480
(516) 626-3953 (fax) 
