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Coronavirus Updates Archive
Previous Updates from the Supervisor:
We were so hopeful that we were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of the Coronavirus. While there has been tremendous progress on the path back to normalcy, the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. The latest concern is the Delta Variant of the virus. This is believed to be the most transmissible variant yet. We’re seeing more and more cases with people being hospitalized among those who have not been vaccinated.
The good news is that the vaccines are effective. The information we are getting is that the widely used vaccines appear to retain most of their effectiveness against the Delta variant. Today, the COVID-19 vaccine is available in many convenient locations, including local pharmacies and facilities right in our own backyard. Fortunately, a majority of Nassau County residents have been vaccinated so appointments are now much easier to schedule with many locations offering walk-ins. For the latest information, or to find out where you can go to get vaccinated, please visit northhempsteadny.gov/vaccine or call 311.
It continues to be important to take the necessary precautions when out in public. Here at the Town, we are continuing to require masks when indoors at Town facilities as well as maintaining social distance.
Our choices can impact not just ourselves, but all those around us. We are now learning that there are more cases in children than before which is another reason why it is so important not to let our guard down.
So let’s help lead the way for family, friends, and loved ones, by encouraging them to get vaccinated if they haven’t done so already. We all want to be able to safely gather together, go back to school and work, and travel without fear. This will help us continue on the path to getting back to normal. So, please, help protect yourself and others by getting vaccinated.
As always, please be smart and stay safe.
I wanted to first let you know about our fireworks. The bad news is that, unfortunately, Saturday night's planned fireworks display has been postponed due to the forecast of heavy winds and rain. The good news is that it will be taking place over Labor Day weekend on Saturday, September 4. Details of the event will be provided in the coming weeks, but you can circle September 4 on your calendar now.
We are continuing to see encouraging news related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Though the path back to normalcy is indeed long, we are proud of the way you have remained diligent about following social-distancing and mask-wearing guidelines. Your collective commitment to maintaining the overall health of our community has gotten us to a stage in this pandemic where a full reopening is no longer a distant reality.
I would like to urge you to please continue to remain cautious – the pandemic is not yet over. We have worked so hard, and we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Our way out of this crisis is through the vaccine. Demand has decreased significantly, and appointments are much easier to schedule with many locations offering walk-ins. For the latest information, or to find out where you can go to get vaccinated, please visit northhempsteadny.gov/vaccine.
Looking ahead, we are pleased to again host our drive-in movies, drive-in concerts, and Concerts by Candlelight for North Hempstead Town residents. Families, friends, and neighbors are encouraged to swing by and enjoy the entertaining lineup of movies and bands we have in store. Upcoming films include Black Panther, the Karate Kid, and Jumanji. For a full listing of upcoming North Hempstead movies and concerts, please visit northhempsteadny.gov/summer. As a reminder, these events are absolutely free, but everyone attending is encouraged to bring canned goods or other non-perishable food items to contribute to the Town's ongoing food drive.
Also, with temperatures on the rise, we invite you, our North Hempstead residents, to join us at one of our many pools and beaches to cool down this summer. This includes the pools for special park district residents at Harbor Hills, which opens on May 29, and Clinton G. Martin Park, which opens on June 19. Also opening on June 19 for Town residents is the pool at Manorhaven Beach Park. In addition, the pool facilities at Martin “Bunky” Reid Park and Whitney Pond Park will be open starting June 26. For more information about signing up, early bird rates, hours of operation, and safety guidelines, please visit northhempsteadny.gov/parks. Please know that we will be re-evaluating our health and safety guidelines as the summer progresses. After a very long year, we can now anticipate a far more carefree and enjoyable summer.
In closing, as we approach Memorial Day, let us all remember its purpose is to recognize the heroic men and women who lost their lives while serving our great nation. We have the deepest respect and gratitude for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice while protecting us. Without them, we would not be able to enjoy the freedom and liberty that we are so fortunate to have today. Please take a moment on Monday, May 31 to remember and honor our fallen heroes and their families.
As always, please be smart and stay safe.
This has been such a challenging time as it's been over a year that we've been dealing with COVID.
The good news is that over the past several months, we have made significant progress with so many people being vaccinated. Getting the vaccine puts us on a path back to normalcy. We are encouraged by the number of residents who have been fully vaccinated within the Town, in Nassau County, and across New York State.
Just this week, the CDC came out with new guidelines, and their message is optimistic as well. The CDC now says fully vaccinated people can participate in outdoor activities without a mask - unless it is in a crowded setting. However, they also advise that fully vaccinated people continue to wear masks and practicing social distancing, particularly if they are in large groups.
I know the sense of relief that I felt when I received the second vaccine. If you have not been able to get a vaccine, the good news is that it is getting easier to get one every day.
As a matter of fact, Governor Cuomo just announced that State-run COVID-19 vaccination sites are now accepting walk-ins with no scheduled appointments. This is for first doses only and applies to all New Yorkers ages 16 and older. State-run sites are at Jones Beach and SUNY Old Westbury. What a great opportunity for anyone who has not yet received their vaccination. Nassau County is going to be offering walk-ins at some of their locations as well. An effort is being made to establish more pop-up vaccination sites in our area to make this process easier and more accessible for everyone.
For details about New York State sites, please visit ny.gov/vaccine. For information about County-run sites, including Northwell facilities, NUMC, as well as your local CVS or Walgreens, go to nassaucountyny.gov/vaccine. The New York State vaccine hotline number is 1-833-697-4829. And the Nassau County vaccine hotline number is 516-572-6565.
I would also like to remind you that we have expanded our free Project Independence transportation initiative so our seniors and veterans can get free taxis to vaccination sites in our area. These include LIU Post, Nassau Community College, Nassau University Medical Center, as well as the Northport VA Medical Center for our veterans. Project Independence members with vaccination appointments should call 311 to schedule a ride.
Although we are certainly trending in the right direction, we need to continue to be cautious. This pandemic is an ongoing battle. Please remember to use common sense when out in public. We are at a critical moment in the pandemic, and we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So please help protect yourself and others by getting
As always, be smart and stay safe.
Every day, it seems there’s some news about the COVID-19 vaccine, and that’s a good thing. I just want to make sure that we’re keeping you informed about any of the updates that we’ve received.
Earlier this week, Governor Cuomo announced that individuals over 60 are now eligible to receive the vaccine, and teachers can now be vaccinated at pharmacies.
The CDC has also released new guidelines for those who have been fully vaccinated. The good news is that once people are fully vaccinated, they can visit with other fully vaccinated people - indoors without wearing masks or social distancing. And they can also visit unvaccinated children and grandchildren – people who they may not have seen indoors in a year – as long as the people they’re visiting are from a single household and are at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease. Quarantining and testing are no longer necessary if a vaccinated person has been exposed to COVID-19 and shows no symptoms. For now, fully vaccinated people should continue to take precautions in public like wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.
We certainly recognize the difficulties many have experienced using Nassau County and New York State’s online portals to register. However, this is still the way to to do it, and we continue to encourage residents to visit www.ny.gov/vaccine or www.nassaucountyny.gov/vaccine to sign up or to receive the latest updates. Residents can also call the New York State Vaccination Hotline at 1-833-697-4829.
There are now other ways to get appointments as well. Appointments to receive the vaccine are also being scheduled through Walgreens, CVS, and Northwell Health, online at Walgreens.com, CVS.com, and Northwell.edu.
County Executive Laura Curran recently announced that the Nassau Coliseum will be used as a mass COVID-19 vaccination site, starting later this month.
We've been trying to make it easier for our seniors and veterans to get to vaccination sites. We have expanded our free transportation initiative so Project Independence members and veterans can get taxis to vaccination sites in our area, such as LIU Post, Nassau Community College, Nassau University Medical Center, as well as the Northport VA Medical Center for our veterans. Project Independence members with vaccination appointments should call 311 to schedule a ride.
While the current supply still is not meeting the overwhelming demand, we must remain patient and cautious. It is so important to keep wearing masks and to practice social distancing. Not only will this protect you, but it will protect those around you who may not have been vaccinated.
This pandemic is an ongoing battle. It’s hard to believe that we started these calls over a year ago. We understand the challenges that all of us are facing while living through this pandemic, but, with the vaccine, we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We will get through this together.
As always, please be smart, and stay safe
Dear Neighbors,
Since the Town of North Hempstead declared a State of Emergency back in March of 2020, I have made it a top priority to ensure that Town residents remain informed about the latest COVID-19 updates. Recently, there has been a whirlwind of news related to the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, as numerous groups are now eligible to receive it here in New York State, and there are a number of vaccine options available to the public.
I am emailing you today to give you the most up-to-date information as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine distribution process.
Vaccine Eligibility
Groups currently eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in New York State include the following:
• Members of the health care sector
• Teachers and education workers
• First responders
• Public safety workers
• Public transit workers
• New York State residents 65 years of age and older
• Restaurant and grocery store workers
• Taxi drivers
• Residents with developmental disabilities
• Residents with comorbidities and underlying conditions.
While many groups of people are now eligible for the vaccine, the demand is currently more than the supply. Please be patient when trying to schedule an appointment. For a comprehensive list of eligible groups in New York, visit the New York State Website at Phased Distribution of the Vaccine | COVID-19 Vaccine (ny.gov)
How to Schedule an Appointment for the COVID-19 Vaccine?
• Click here for appointments at Walgreens (65+ priority Group)
• Click here for appointments at Northwell Health
• Click here for appointments at CVS
• To make an appointment at Jones Beach and other vaccination sites, call the New York State hotline at: 1-833-NYS-4-VAX
For more information about making an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine, we recommend visiting the Nassau County website at COVID-19 Vaccine Information | Nassau County, NY - Official Website or the New York State website at COVID-19 Vaccine | COVID-19 Vaccine (ny.gov)
Project Independence Transportation
To help facilitate vaccine distribution, the Town of North Hempstead and Project Independence have expanded our transportation initiative to include the areas outside of North Hempstead including the Northport VA Medical Center and Long Island University Post, Nassau University Medical Center and Nassau Community College, which are all vaccination sites in our area. Project Independence members with vaccination appointments should call 311 to schedule a ride.
Vaccines Currently Available to the Public
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
Requires two doses, to be administered 21 days apart.
Moderna vaccine
Requires two doses, to be administered 28 days apart.
This past weekend the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine based on CDC guidance. This will be a single-dose shot and is to be delivered to states this week.
Additional information and updates about vaccines can be found on the CDC website here: Different COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC
While the Town is not involved in the prioritization or distribution of the vaccine, we will certainly continue to provide you and all of our residents with updates and information as we receive it from Governor Cuomo and New York State. Residents can also visit our website at northhempsteadny.gov/vaccine that includes links and helpful information from the State and the County.
This pandemic is an ongoing battle and wearing a mask and properly social distancing are necessary to keep everyone safe and protected. We appreciate everyone’s diligence in doing their part to minimize the spread of COVID-19 during this vaccine distribution period. As always, please be smart and stay safe.
Governor Cuomo announced today that New York State will expand eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine to residents 65 and older, per federal guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Additionally, New York State is currently in Phase 1B of the vaccine distribution, which includes members of the health care sector from Phase 1A, along with teachers and education workers, first responders, public safety workers, public transit workers, and now residents 65 and older.
The Governor emphasized today that approximately 7 million people are now eligible for the vaccine, but the State is only receiving about 300,000 doses per week. So it is important for everyone to remember that the current supply is extremely limited. We encourage residents to regularly check the New York State website at www.ny.gov/vaccine and the Nassau County website at www.nassaucountyny.gov/vaccine for eligibility updates, to register to receive the vaccine, or to find out more information about COVID-19 and the vaccine.
Additionally, as I mentioned in yesterday's update, the New York State Vaccination Hotline is now available for residents to make appointments. The New York State Vaccination Hotline can be reached at 1-833-697-4829.
While the Town is not involved in the prioritization or distribution of the vaccine, we will certainly provide our residents with updates and information as we receive it from Governor Cuomo and New York State. Residents can also visit our website at www.northhempsteadny.gov/vaccine that includes links and helpful information from the State and the County.
Please remember to continue practicing social distancing, wash your hands regularly, and wearing your mask.
As always, please be smart and stay safe.
New York State is moving forward with its planning policy for the COVID-19 vaccine, and Northwell Health is leading the distribution of the vaccine in Nassau County. We at the Town of North Hempstead want to share the information we have received in the hopes that it provides some clarity concerning the vaccine and when you and your loved ones will be able to receive it.
Effective today, January 11, New York State has moved into Phase 1B of the vaccine distribution. Along with members of the health care sector who were included in Phase 1A, Phase 1B includes teachers and education workers, first responders, public safety workers, public transit workers, and people 75 and older.
To check eligibility, register to receive the vaccine, or to simply find out more information, please visit the New York State website at www.ny.gov/vaccine or the Nassau County website at nassaucountyny.gov/vaccine. Due to high demand, the State’s registration system may not be displaying available appointments at this time. Appointments are constantly added on a rolling basis, and we recommend checking the State's website regularly.
Please also be aware that the New York State Vaccination Hotline is now available for residents to make appointments. The New York State Vaccination Hotline can be reached at 1-833-697-4829.
The early emergence of COVID-19 vaccines has brought on much needed optimism for the future. While availability has been limited, more residents will become eligible to receive the vaccine as distribution centers continue to open and New York's supply increases. With that said, we are proud to partner with County Executive Curran to make vaccinations available at our Yes We Can Community Center facility in Westbury.
While the Town is not involved in the prioritization or distribution of the vaccine, we have created a page on our website that will include links and helpful information from the State and the County for anyone seeking additional details at northhempsteadny.gov/vaccine, and we will continue to provide updates as they become available.
Progress is being made, and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, we must remain cautious as the virus is still a very serious threat. Continue practicing social distancing, regularly washing your hands, and wearing your mask. Together, we will get through this.
As always, please be smart and stay safe.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 cases are on the rise throughout the state and in the Town of North Hempstead. Gatherings, both small and large, are being seen as contributing to the continued spread of the virus. And so, with the Holiday Season upon us, Governor Cuomo’s limit of gatherings to 10 people or less becomes even more important. The Governor and the CDC are urging us not to travel and to celebrate Thanksgiving with only those who live in our households. Not being able to spend time, in person, with friends and family that we love is so difficult, but hopefully it will ensure that we will be spending many other holidays with them in the future.
COVID-19 continues to have a significant impact on all of our daily lives. And at Thanksgiving we are particularly reminded of all that we have to be grateful for. We are grateful for our friends, family, and neighbors. We are grateful for the medical professionals, the first responders, and all essential employees. They have gone above and beyond to help maintain the health, safety, and sense of community we hold so dear.
We are grateful for our small businesses that are working so hard to survive. To that end, I would like to remind you that Small Business Saturday is this Saturday, November 28. Our local business community plays an integral role in making the Town of North Hempstead a unique and wonderful place to live, and the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their operations severely over the last several months. We urge you to show your support for them by shopping small on Small Business Saturday, throughout the holiday season, and throughout the year.
While this year continues to be challenging, it is my hope that the time we spend with our families this Thanksgiving, whether it is in person or virtually, will be a source of comfort and joy.
Happy Thanksgiving, North Hempstead.
As always, please be smart and stay safe.
With the recent increase in reported COVID-19 cases, Governor Cuomo announced new restrictions on bars, restaurants, and gyms, as well as residential gatherings in New York State. As of tonight, November 13, 2021 at 10 p.m., bars, restaurants, and gyms, will be required to close from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily. Food-to-go can still be picked up, or delivered, after 10 p.m.
The Governor also announced that indoor and outdoor gatherings at private residences will be limited to no more than 10 people. They have found that these gatherings are contributing to the continued spread of COVID-19 throughout the state.
I am pleased to let you know that a COVID-19 rapid testing site is opening on Monday at a Northwell Facility located at 600 Community Drive in Manhasset. This testing site will be drive-thru only. Residents must remain in their vehicles to be tested and to await the test results. If you've had prolonged exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or have any symptoms, you're encouraged to be tested. There is no cost for the testing, but you must schedule an appointment. The site is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Testing will be available to anyone age 8 or older. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-833-422-7369.
In closing, please continue to practice social distancing, frequently wash your hands with warm water and soap, use hand sanitizer when you cannot do that, and, most importantly, wear your mask whenever you cannot properly social distance. We are entering the Thanksgiving and Holiday Season, and I urge you to be cautious. It is important that we follow Governor Cuomo’s new protocol of limiting any gathering to 10 people or less. Your health and well-being is always our top priority, so, as always, please be smart and stay safe.
Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season are quickly approaching, which means families may be thinking about getting together, and college students will be returning home from school. We certainly understand how important it is for families to celebrate Thanksgiving, but we do urge you to plan ahead and plan cautiously. I, myself, can't believe I'm going to be celebrating yet another holiday via Zoom. It is imperative that we all remain cognizant of the fact that COVID-19 remains a serious threat. To that end, Governor Cuomo has updated the protocol for those traveling to New York State. It is important to share this information with any family member who plans to visit.
Anyone who was in another state for more than 24 hours needs to take a COVID test within three days of leaving the state. And upon arrival in New York, they must quarantine for three days. On day four of their quarantine, they have to take another COVID test. If both tests are negative, they no longer need to quarantine.
If someone is in another state for less than 24 hours, they don't need a test prior to leaving, but they do need to quarantine upon coming back into New York. For more specific information, please visit coronavirus.health.ny.gov.
Next Wednesday, is Veterans Day. We owe each and every veteran such a debt of thanks. They have sacrificed so much to defend our country, and it is important that we honor them for selflessly serving to protect us and the freedoms that we hold so dear.
The Town has made lawn signs for our North Hempstead veterans to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and to acknowledge their great service to our country. If you are a veteran and would like a sign brought to your home, please call 311.
Additionally, the Town will be presenting a virtual Veterans Day program in recognition of our special heroes. I hope you and your families take a moment to view it. You can watch the program on Wednesday, November 11 at 4 p.m. on NHTV or on the Town’s social media pages.
In closing, with the rise of reported COVID-19 cases, I remind you to please continue to practice social distancing, wash your hands with warm water and soap, use hand sanitizer when you cannot do that, and, most importantly, wear your mask whenever you cannot properly social distance. As always, please be smart and stay safe.
Halloween is tomorrow, and we urge our residents who plan to participate in any traditional Halloween celebrations or activities to do so in a safe and cautious manner. Activities like trick-or-treating increase the risk of contracting COVID-19, and it is recommended that residents follow New York State’s simple guidelines to prevent you from contracting or spreading the virus. Ultimately, we encourage residents to enjoy virtual celebrations this year. However, we have some helpful safety tips for those who choose to venture out.
If trick-or-treating, please do so in your own neighborhoods and limit travel to other communities.
Do not trick-or treat in crowded streets or neighborhoods where social distancing cannot be maintained.
All individuals must wear face coverings or cloth masks. Most Halloween masks will not be sufficient to meet State guidelines.
Participate in one-way trick-or-treating where individually wrapped goodie bags are lined up for families to grab and go while continuing to social distance (such as at the end of a driveway or at the edge of a yard).
Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before, during, and after any Halloween activities.
We encourage residents to view the full list of New York States’s DOs and DON'Ts for trick-or-treating this year by visiting coronavirus.health.ny.gov
The Town has hosted several socially-distanced Halloween events this week, and it all culminates tomorrow, Saturday, October 31, with our free drone light show beginning at 7 p.m. in North Hempstead Beach Park’s South Lot as a dazzlingly display of drones will light up the night sky in unison to music! As a reminder, everyone in attendance must remain in their cars at all times during this event, which is exclusively for North Hempstead residents only.
In addition, the Town is hosting a special Halloween edition of NHTV At Home. From stories ready by Town officials, to how to bake Halloween chocolate pumpkin muffins, to art - there is something for everyone. This program will be airing on North Hempstead TV today, October 30, at 4 p.m. It is also available on demand on MYNHTV.com and the Town's social media channels.
It is our hope that these family friendly events and programs will serve as a nice distraction during what is certainly an extremely challenging time. While we have made great strides locally since the pandemic started some eight months ago, we must remain on high alert as COVID-19 remains a serious threat. Please, continue to practice social distancing, wash your hands with warm water and soap, use hand sanitizer, and, most importantly, always wear your mask whenever you cannot properly socially distance.
I hope you all have a safe, fun, and happy Halloween.
As Halloween approaches, we are delighted to announce that the Town has some fun things planned. Despite all of the challenges we are facing, we felt it was truly important to offer opportunities for families to have a good time while staying safe and adhering to social distancing guidelines.
So, on Halloween night - Saturday, October 31st - from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Town will be hosting Nassau County's first ever drone light show at North Hempstead Beach Park’s South Lot. The Halloween-themed program will use technology to produce a dazzling display of lights in a synchronized show, set to music, for audiences of all ages. The event is free and open exclusively to North Hempstead residents. Vehicles will be admitted on a first come, first serve basis. The Town will be enforcing social distancing guidelines at all times. All those who are attending are required to remain in their vehicles unless using the restrooms. Additionally, everyone must wear a mask when not in their cars. We are encouraging those who are attending to bring non-perishable/canned foods to the events as part of North Hempstead's food donation drive.
We are also extremely excited about our other upcoming Halloween-themed events, including a Not-So-Spooky Walk Halloween stroll through Clark Botanic Garden this Saturday and Sunday, October 24th & 25th, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Events that will require registration include pumpkin painting next Wednesday, October 28th at 4 & 5 p.m., also at Clark, a special trick or treat event at North Hempstead Beach Park on Friday, October 30th, and an outdoor, drive-in movie screening of Hotel Transylvania, also at North Hempstead Beach Park on Friday October 30th, with a showtime of 6:30pm.
For event and registration information, please visit northhempsteadny.gov/Halloween or call 311.
As election day approaches, we'd like to remind you all that there are additional ways to cast your vote. In New York State, the last day to request an absentee ballot online is Tuesday, October 27th and the last day to apply for an in person absentee ballot is Monday, November 2nd. All absentee ballots must be mailed in and postmarked, delivered in person to the Board of Elections, or returned to a poll site by Election Day - Tuesday, November 3rd.
Please keep in mind that the United States Postal Service recommends that voters allow enough time for ballots to be returned to the Board of Elections and suggests submitting them by October 27th is possible, which is seven days ahead of the general election.
Early voting locations are open from Saturday, October 24 through Sunday, November 1. Early voting locations in the Town of North Hempstead include Gayle Community Center in Roslyn Heights, the Nassau County Board of Elections in Mineola, and Yes We Can Community Center in Westbury.
Local taxi companies are providing free transportation to the polls. All Island Transportation is offering free rides for early voting in Nassau County from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. the week prior to Election Day. To reach All Island Transportation call 516-742-2222. And Delux Transportation is offering free rides for residents of Port Washington, Manhasset, and Roslyn on Election Day ONLY. To reach Delux Transportation, please call 516-883-1900.
And finally, we continue to urge you to adhere to all State-mandated or recommended COVID-19 precautions, including social distancing, washing your hands regularly, avoiding large social gatherings and events, and, most importantly, wearing a mask in public whenever you are unable to social distance. COVID-19 is still a very serious threat to our communities. So let's continue working together as a team to do what we can to prevent the spread of this terrible virus.
As always, please be smart and stay safe. Thank you.
We are thrilled to announce that Michael J. Tully Park Pool will reopen on Wednesday, October 14. We sincerely appreciate your patience as we have worked to upgrade the pool over the last several months to improve conditions and provide a better and safer experience. The pool will reopen with a reduced capacity to ensure the Town is meeting state COVID-19 guidelines. High traffic areas will be cleaned frequently throughout the day, and social distancing guidelines for the pools will be in effect, which will require residents to wear masks when not in the pool and to remain six feet apart while waiting in line and on the pool deck.
We would also like you to know that Project Independence will continue offering free transportation for medical and food shopping trips until the end of the year. As a reminder, the Town is paying for all costs associated with Project Independence transportation rides, including ALL fees for drivers. We want to assist our senior residents by offering cashless rides during these uncertain and unusual times, providing a sense of normalcy and helping with everyday needs.
Additionally, we would like to remind you that Census information is still being collected until the end of October, and those who have not responded yet, should do so soon. It is absolutely critical that all residents fill out the Census, as the money our region gets from the Census funds our hospitals, schools, health insurance, disaster programs, public programs, as well as educational initiatives like the National School Lunch Program and Head Start. So please respond either online at www.my2020census.gov, or over the phone by dialing 844-330-2020.
And finally, New York State has seen a recent increase in reported cases of COVID-19. The health and safety of our residents is our top priority, so we want to take this opportunity to once again urge you to adhere to all State-mandated or recommended precautions, including: social distancing, washing your hands regularly, avoiding large social gatherings and events, and, most importantly, wearing a mask in public whenever you are unable to social distance. These measures have been extremely effective at slowing and preventing the spread of the virus, and we implore you to follow them. We're a family here in North Hempstead, so let's remain vigilant and continue working together to protect our families, friends, and neighbors.
As always, please be smart and stay safe. Thank you.
It is important for all of us to remember that COVID-19 still presents a risk to residents throughout North Hempstead, across New York State, and throughout our country. Unfortunately, in the past week, we have seen the number of cases begin to rise in New York. It is more important, now than ever, to avoid large social gatherings, adhere to social distancing measures, and most importantly wear a mask.
North Hempstead is proud to be joining with New York State and the New York State Department of Health to encourage our residents to download the new COVID Alert NY app, the official New York Exposure Notification System. This free smartphone app is anonymous and will allow you to use your phone in the fight against COVID-19. It is part of the state’s effort to contain the spread and keep New Yorkers informed. Those with the app on their phone will receive an alert if they have come into contact with someone who has tested positive. More information about the app can be found at: NY.gov/COVIDAlerts
Please also remember that social gatherings of 50 individuals or more are dangerous and not permitted under state law. We encourage you to be vigilant and report these infractions, as it only take one event and one gathering to create a super spreader event. We must all work together to further prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Governor Cuomo’s office advises that large or illegal gatherings should be reported to your local police department’s non-emergency line first. You can reach the 3rd Precinct at: 516-573-6300 and the 6th Precinct at: 516-573-6600.
If immediate assistance is required, call 911. You can contact the New York State on PAUSE Enforcement hotline at 1-833-789-0470.
Once again, we are a family here in North Hempstead and we need to do everything we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please remember to wear a mask, continue washing your hands, maintain social distancing guidelines and download the new COVID Alert NY app for your smartphone. We are still in the midst of a pandemic, let's continue doing what we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Please continue to stay safe, and be well.
It is still absolutely essential that we continue to practice social distancing as New York State returns to normalcy during this period of reopening. Students of all ages across North Hempstead have returned to in-class learning, and we understand how challenging it may be for parents as they emphasize the importance of wearing masks to their children. Likewise it is important that we remain diligent in wearing masks as well.
Several schools across Long Island have reported new cases of COVID-19. This serves as an important reminder that we are not out of the woods yet, and this virus is still a very real threat.
The Jewish Holidays are upon us. For those who are observing Rosh Hashanah this weekend, we wish you all a happy and healthy new year. However, we want to emphasize the importance of limiting your gatherings of family and friends and to follow proper social distancing practices as well as following all safety precautions.
Social distancing and wearing masks will protect us. Sadly, we have heard of incidents where residents were actually bullied for abiding by the governor's statewide mask mandate. That is simply unacceptable. We must continue to stand together as a united community, and remain vigilant of ANY forms of hate or intolerance. I encourage all North Hempstead residents to stand together in an effort to support each other, as well as to protect the health and safety of our friends, family, and neighbors.
As always, please stay smart and stay safe.
Governor Cuomo recently announced that gyms are able open at a reduced capacity. We are pleased to announce that this includes our Town fitness centers located at Michael J. Tully Park and the "Yes We Can" Community Center which will be reopening on Thursday, September 10 for North Hempstead residents only. These facilities will be allowed to have a 33% capacity limit, and masks will be required at all times. All current memberships are being reactivated, and we will be accepting new memberships as well. The pool at Tully Park will be reopening soon, and we will provide an update once the date is set.
Though the COVID-19 infection rates are certainly trending in the right direction, we cannot let our guard down because we are still in the middle of a pandemic. Social distancing and mask wearing are essential practices. With children going back to school, and many returning to normal activities, we must remain cautious and considerate of everyone around us. Our lives depend on it.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy Labor Day. While we often think of this weekend as the unofficial end of summer, it is extremely important to remember that the intent of this holiday is to recognize our country's workforce.
This year, in particular, I would like to acknowledge the remarkable job everyone on the frontline has done – in both the public and private sectors. Our Town would not be where it is today without the tireless effort of our dedicated and highly-skilled workforce -- the backbone of the North Hempstead community. Serving in many capacities, these hard-working men and women are the people who get the job done every single day, coming together when it counts. Their efforts are so appreciated.
On behalf of the Town of North Hempstead, have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and, most importantly, be smart and stay safe.
We are excited to announce that we will be launching a new “Concerts by Candlelight” series for Town residents this August, featuring a variety of musical acts, ranging from doo wop & motown to country to rock. Concerts will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at parks throughout the Town, including Whitney Pond Park, North Hempstead Beach Park, Clark Botanic Garden, and Martin “Bunky” Reid Park. Residents will be admitted to these events on a first come, first serve basis, and the events will be limited to the first 50 individuals. To aid with social distancing guidelines, residents will be asked to stay within their designated seating circle which will all be six feet apart.
Additionally, the Town will be hosting drive-in concerts in August , sponsored by Ridgewood Savings Bank. Kicking things off will be Jimmy Kenny and the Pirate Beach Band, featuring songs by Jimmy Buffett, Kenny Chesney, and Zac Brown, on Sunday, August 2 at North Hempstead Beach Park with a start time of 8:30 p.m. Registration will open on Monday at NorthHempsteadNY.gov/drivein or by calling 311.
Our drive-in movie series also continues to draw capacity crowds, and this Saturday, July 25, we have a few spots left for Space Jam at North Hempstead Beach Park. Looking ahead to August, we have some extremely popular films to look forward to, including Back to the Future and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! Registration is free, but residents must RSVP in advance. Please call 311 or visit www.northhempsteadny.gov/drivein to sign up.
While the movies and concerts are all FREE, the Town is encouraging attendees to bring non-perishable/canned foods to each concert as part of North Hempstead's donation drive.
There will be no food available for purchase at these events. However, residents are encouraged to bring their own snacks. Restroom facilities will be available.
And finally, we are pleased to announced that fitness instructors will be allowed to conduct classes at Town Parks. Fitness instructors will need to obtain a permit to hold these classes. The permits will be $25 per hour, and the classes can host up to 25 participants.
We are continuing to do all that we can to provide local businesses with relief during these challenging times. It is our hope that by allowing fitness classes to take place in our parks, it will relieve some of the burden on gyms and fitness studios due to the pandemic.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time, and thank you for being good neighbors and looking out for each other. I often say we are a family in North Hempstead, and that truly has never been more evident than now.
As always, please, be smart and stay safe. Thank you.
North Hempstead Coronavirus Update
Dear Neighbors,
Due to the Town’s State of Emergency, Tax Receiver Charles Berman, the Town Board, and I have requested the Governor to order an extension of the penalty-free date for 2020 Second-Half General Taxes to August 31. As of now, the date has not been extended so payments must be made by August 10.
There are three different ways to make your payments: postal mail, electronically via the Receiver's online payment portal at northhempsteadny.gov/Tax-Payments, or by using the drop-off box at 200 Plandome Road in Manhasset on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
I would like to remind you that the Town is waiving the online-checking processing fee down to just one cent as a way of assisting residents during this time of the pandemic.
Our drive-in movie series continues to be a success. This Saturday, July 18 we will be showing the original Jurassic Park at North Hempstead Beach Park. And next Saturday, July 25, we will be showing Space Jam. Registration is free, but residents must RSVP in advance. We encourage you to call 311 or visit northhempsteadny.gov/drivein to sign up. The Town’s non-perishable donation drive is still ongoing, and we are encouraging moviegoers to bring canned food items to contribute.
I also wanted to make mention that our area is expected to experience a heatwave with predicted high humidity in the coming days. Please keep this in mind when you are outdoors and remember to stay hydrated. On Saturday and Monday, garbage collection will begin at 6 a.m. to help accommodate our carters in collecting earlier in the day when temperatures are cooler.
And as a reminder, North Hempstead Beach Park is still open every day at 6 a.m. exclusively for our seniors. This offers a wonderful opportunity for seniors to exercise when the weather is cooler, and it provide some fantastic views of the sunrise as well. Please note that there will be no lifeguards on duty prior to 9 a.m.
As facilities and businesses continue opening up, and we begin entering a new normal, COVID-19 is still a serious threat, and we cannot let our guard down.
Social distancing is essential, as is wearing a mask when social distancing isn’t possible. That means having the entire mask covering your mouth and nose. Let’s continue to do our part to minimize the spread of coronavirus.
As always, please, be smart and stay safe. Thank you.
North Hempstead Coronavirus Update
Dear Neighbors,
I am pleased to announce that as of Wednesday, July 8, Town pool facilities are open for the summer season. This includes pool facilities located at Manorhaven Beach Park, Martin “Bunky” Reid Park, and Whitney Pond Park. Please note that these facilities are open to all Town residents. And for the 2020 summer season, the Town will be waiving all fees for pool facilities.
The pools at Clinton G. Martin Park, Michael J. Tully Park, and Harbor Hills will be opening at a later date.
With temperatures rising, the opening of our pools will hopefully provide you with opportunities to spend time outdoors while cooling off in a safe manner. Our pool experience may seem a little different this summer as we have increased our safety procedures. Please remember to follow all the new guidelines which will be listed at the pool facilities. These rules include: wearing masks when not in the pool and maintaining social distancing of at least six feet while waiting on line or while on the pool deck.
And with the Town entering phase four, our ball fields are now open for little league practices and games, and, in terms of recreation, we are now allowing doubles tennis and doubles pickle ball. Naturally, the same social distancing and mask wearing protocols apply.
As a reminder, this Saturday, July 11 the Town is presenting a STOP program event at Westbury High School from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The STOP program is designed to safely accept Household Hazardous Waste from residents, including e-waste, chemicals, disinfectants, and flammable liquids. For a detailed list of accepted items, please visit NorthHempsteadNY.gov/StopProgram.
We are also excited to announce that we are launching a new outdoor dining and retail initiative that we're calling "Lift Up Local.” This program is designed to help local restaurants, food service establishments, and retail stores expand their operations outdoors. Lift Up Local will give businesses the opportunity to close streets for outdoor dining and retail use. This summer, we are encouraging our residents to shop small, dine local, and support our neighborhood businesses.
While New York has seen the number of COVID cases and hospitalizations decrease, we do see the numbers rising across the country. Unfortunately, this pandemic is far from over. We cannot let our guard down. COVID-19 is still a serious threat. We must continue to wear masks when social distancing is not possible.
We continue to recognize the heroic efforts of all front line workers who have been protecting us and keeping us safe and healthy. And we thank them.
These are certainly challenging times, but I have been so impressed with how we have all responded to this as a community -- obeying the guidelines and looking out for each other. In the face of adversity, we are showing true strength. We are a family here in North Hempstead, and that's never been more evident than now.
As always, please be smart & stay safe. Thank you.
As we continue the path forward, we are on track to enter phase 4 next Wednesday, July 8. That will include some low-risk indoor and outdoor activities, allowing us to issue permits for our fields to be used for practice and little league games.
We are eagerly anticipating the reopening of our Town pools next Wednesday as well. Please note, the Town's parks department is still trying to hire lifeguards and attendants for the summer season. Anyone interested in applying should email parks@northhempsteadny.gov or call 311.
Our Town parks and beaches remain open for passive use. Fees for beaches and parks have been waived for the summer due to the pandemic. Additionally, beaches are presently operating at a 50% capacity and remain limited to Nassau County residents only. Please note that early opening hours for senior residents at North Hempstead Beach Park will not be available this weekend, but they will resume on Monday, July 6
In addition to our playgrounds being open, I am also pleased to announce that the spray pads located at Town parks are now open daily from 9 a.m. to sunset. Attendance at both will of course be monitored to make sure social distancing guidelines are followed.
Looking ahead, our Town Board is going to be offering virtual office hours via Zoom. This program presents a unique opportunity for our residents to communicate directly with their representatives from the comfort of their own homes. These office hours will be scheduled by appointment only. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 311.
Every summer, I and the Town Board look forward to attending our FunDay Monday events at the beach with our seniors. Due to the pandemic, we had to find another way to offer these events, and we did. Our FunDay Mondays will now be offered virtually on North Hempstead TV and mynhtv.com. Programming will begin airing on July 6, and there will be new episodes throughout the summer, starting every Monday at 11 a.m. - culminating with a special salute to our veterans and armed forces airing on August 24. This is another way to provide fun and engaging activities, while continuing to maintain social distancing guidelines.
Our drive-in movie series continues to be a hot ticket, and we have just released our schedule for the month of July. The slate of upcoming movies includes: Sonic the Hedgehog at Westbury High School on July 11 & 12, the 1993 original Jurassic Park at North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington on July 18, and Space Jam, also at North Hempstead Beach Park, on July 25.
While the events are free, the Town is encouraging attendees to bring non-perishable foods to each showing as part of North Hempstead's donation drive. Residents must register their cars in advance by visiting NorthHempsteadNY.gov/drivein or by calling 311. Registration is open to residents even if they have previously attended Town drive-in events.
We are trying to find every opportunity to provide you with the fun and exciting programs you have come to expect - despite the pandemic. I really have to laud the efforts of our Town employees who continue to go above and beyond in extremely challenging circumstances.
So as we approach the July 4th weekend, I want to wish you all a happy and safe Independence Day.
Please keep in mind we are still in the midst of a pandemic and it is so important that we all must still wear our masks when we are unable to social distance, frequently wash our hands, and continue to remain cautious.
We are a family here in North Hempstead, and by working together, we will persevere and come out of this stronger than ever.
As always, please be smart and stay safe. Thank you.
Sunday marked the official start of summer, and we are proud to be hosting many fun and exciting activities this season while taking every precaution to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our Town.
Just last week, we reopened our playgrounds. Playground equipment is being cleaned daily, and staff members are monitoring the facilities to ensure social distancing guidelines are followed.
Town parks are open for passive use, and fees for beaches and parks have been waived for the summer due to the pandemic. Additionally, beaches are presently operating at a 50% capacity and remain limited to Nassau County residents only. Pools are on schedule to reopen on July 8 for North Hempstead residents only.
In the interest of continuing an important resource for the community, the Sunday Residential Drop-Off at the North Hempstead transfer station in Port Washington will be continuing throughout the summer every other Sunday running from July 12 through September 20.
The Town is also pleased to be able to continue to offer its Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (S.T.O.P.) events to provide a convenient and environmentally responsible way for our residents to dispose of hazardous waste along with the shredding of confidential documents and papers. The newly scheduled event will be held on Saturday, July 11 at Westbury High School at 1 Post Road in Old Westbury from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information on the STOP program, please visit northhempsteadny.gov/stopprogram.
We would also like to remind you that our new landscaping regulations are in effect as of last week. Under the new regulations, commercial landscapers will be prohibited from using gas-powered leaf blowers through September 15 in an effort to reduce noise and air pollution caused by gas-powered leaf blowers. This was a decision we reached in coordination with landscapers, environmentalists, and residents.
Please note, commercial landscaping is permitted between 8 a.m. & 7 p.m. on weekdays, and 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. on Saturdays, with no operation on Sundays and holidays.
Additionally, this year’s home sustainability classes will be held virtually online. This includes classes on creating rain gardens, native plant gardening, and sustainable yard care. To register for any of the classes visit northhempsteadny.gov/sustainability.
Our free drive-in movie series continues this Saturday and Sunday night with Jaws at North Hempstead Beach Park. Residents must register their cars in advance by visiting northhempsteadny.gov/drivein. As reminder, this is a free event, but the Town is encouraging people to bring canned foods with them to participate in North Hempstead's food donation drive. The Town is also still accepting donations of non-perishable goods at North Hempstead Beach Park and Manorhaven Beach Park - seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Again, we remind everyone to properly dispose of single-use items like latex gloves and antibacterial wipes in a garbage can. We are also encouraging residents to carry a disposable bag to put their used PPE items in when they are done shopping so everything can be discarded in the trash.
We are pleased with the decline in COVID cases in North Hempstead, Nassau County, and throughout the state. However, as we continue advancing forward, we must remain cognizant that we are still in the midst of a pandemic, and we must continue taking every necessary precaution – that includes frequently washing our hands, social distancing, and wearing a mask when social distancing is not possible.
I would like to send my sincere appreciation for your patience and cooperation during this challenging time. We are in this together, and I truly believe we will emerge stronger than ever before.
As always, please be smart and stay safe. Thank you.
Long Island has officially entered Phase 2 which enables us to provide additional outdoor options. We are pleased to have started issuing outdoor seating permits for restaurants across our Town this enables local restaurants to offer safe outdoor seating for our residents.
Expanding on that, we are so excited to announce that we will now be adding tables to provide additional outdoor dining options at designated park facilities. These will include the Town Dock in Port Washington, Mary Jane Davies Green in Manhasset, Blumenfeld Family Park in Port Washington, Martin Bunky Reid Park in Westbury, and Clark Botanic Garden in Albertson. These locations will each have a bulletin board featuring menus from local restaurants which we hope you will order from. This initiative will help our local businesses while also providing an outdoor dining option for residents as indoor dining is not currently available.
While taking advantage of this, please remember to practice social distancing. A maximum of six people are permitted at each table, for no more than 90 minutes. Let's all work together to keep this al fesco dining area clean and free of litter.
Additionally, we learned yesterday that local municipalities are authorized to open public pools and playgrounds while following New York State guidelines. This is certainly good news, and we are in the process of working to make sure our pools can open safely. Our intention is to open pools on Wednesday, July 8, but we will update you as the date approaches. As always, we encourage you to exercise judgment when deciding which activities you feel are appropriate for you and your family.
Our free drive-in movie series is a tremendous success. We are continuing to offer free movies on Saturday & Sunday nights. Upcoming films include Grease, The Sandlot, and Jaws. Residents must register their cars in advance by visiting NorthHempsteadNY.gov/drive-in or by calling 311. Registration is open to North Hempstead residents only. Those who have already attended are welcome to sign up for additional movies. While this is a free event, the Town is encouraging people to bring canned foods with them to participate in North Hempstead's food donation drive. The Town is also accepting donations of non-perishable goods at North Hempstead Beach Park and Manorhaven Beach Park - seven days a week from 9-to-5.
Also, in response to the challenges our seniors are facing with this pandemic, we remind you that all fees have been waived for Project Independence taxi rides for food shopping and medical appointments, including COVID testing. The food shopping for seniors has been expanded to seven days a week.
As we continue the road to recovery with our outdoor facilities reopening, it is so important to make sure we're following the guidelines to keep us safe. Please wash your hands, continue to social distance and wear a mask when you are not able to. These are the best ways to prevent the spread of the virus. While our numbers have gone down, let's not forget we are still in the midst of a pandemic. So, please be smart and stay safe. Thank you.
With summer right around the corner, and the school year drawing to a close, I am pleased to announce that the Town has extended an offer to the school districts to host drive-thru graduation ceremonies for those high schools throughout North Hempstead that would be interested in this option. The initiative will allow school districts to use the parking lots at North Hempstead Beach Park and Clinton G. Martin Park for graduation ceremonies. This has been offered by the Town as an alternative to schools’ originally planned ceremonies, which were no longer allowed due to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order that banned large gatherings, including in-person graduation ceremonies. Many schools have taken us up on this offer, although no school is required to. Our high school seniors have worked so hard during their academic careers, and the Town wanted to make sure that there would be some venue to ensure their achievements would be recognized.
Additionally, in response to COVID-19 and the critical need for food and medical care for our Town seniors, we have waived all Project Independence taxi ride fees for our regular food shopping, medical appointments, and COVID testing during the pandemic, and we have expanded the shopping program to seven days per week, town-wide. Residents can call 311 to make an appointment.
We are continuing the Town's food donation drive. It will now include collection sites at both North Hempstead Beach Park and Manorhaven Beach from 9am to 5pm at both locations - seven days a week.
In addition, we want to remind everyone that COVID-19 testing is available, by appointment only, at the Westbury Family Health Center. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call (516) 396-7500.
Looking ahead, in anticipation of being able to have outdoor dining, we have begun allowing our restaurants to apply for outdoor dining permits. Although restaurants are still only open for takeout and delivery, by starting this process in advance of phase two, we are aiming to assist local restaurants so they're able to offer safe outdoor seating when the option becomes available - which we anticipate will be next week.
While we all want to see a return to normalcy, the comeback trail will be long, and we have to follow guidelines set forth by higher levels of government. With that, we have been receiving a number of questions about when our pools will be opening. This is of course dependent upon guidance from the Nassau County Department of Health and a directive from New York State. Rest assured, plans are already in the works so our pools will be ready to open with the proper safety measures in place when the time is right to reopen.
In closing, with all of the unrest that we are experiencing, it is important to emphasize that we will not remain silent to hate, intolerance, or violence. In keeping with our “Not in our Town” initiative, our residents know that our Town is a place where all can feel safe regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. We are a family here in North Hempstead, and we need to treat each other with love and respect.
We stand together in solidarity with those throughout the community, across the country, and around the world. We are united in the call for peace, justice, and equality.
As always, please be smart and stay safe.
This week, at the direction of Governor Cuomo, Long Island was able to enter the first phase of reopening. For our residents, this means many retailers selling products such as clothing, electronics, and appliances will reopen for curbside pickups. Please note that businesses are allowed to deny entry of anyone not wearing a mask. Additionally, construction projects including residential and non-residential will be allowed to resume.
If everything goes well, we hope to enter phase two at some point in the next several weeks. Phase two includes the return of professional services, retail, administrative support, and real estate.
Beyond that are phase three which includes restaurants and phase four which includes education, arts, entertainment, and recreation.
The major update from the Town this week is that our Building Department is open. Due to social distancing guidelines, there will be no walk-in service at this time. However, appointments can be made to drop off large-scale applications and most applications can simply be mailed or emailed. For questions, or to make a submission, please email Buildings@northhempsteadny.gov or call 869-6311.
As we announced last week, North Hempstead Beach Park and Manorhaven Beach have opened up for the season. Memorial Day Weekend was a success, and we are looking forward to a safe and enjoyable summer. As a reminder, our Town beaches can only operate at 50% capacity and are open to North Hempstead residents only. Additionally, we are waiving all fees for our beaches and parks during the time of this pandemic. Please remember that social distancing on the beach must be 10 feet as opposed to the 6 feet we've become accustomed to. New York State is requiring all beachgoers to wear a mask when entering the beach so please keep it on until you are able to social distance.
Again, we remind everyone to properly dispose of single-use items like latex gloves and antibacterial wipes in the trash. We are also encouraging residents to carry a disposable bag to put their used gloves in when they are done shopping so it can all be discarded in the trash.
Looking ahead, the Town Board and I will be holding public hearings on a number of items to assist our local residents and businesses including plans for expanded outdoor dining, building department refunds, extended hours for construction in commercial areas, and additional ways we are working to assist local businesses. These hearings will be streamed live on the Town's website to keep residents informed and allow for their participation as all Town Board meetings are still being held remotely.
As always, I would like to sincerely thank our medical, emergency, and essential workers whose heroic efforts have kept society running and allowed us to keep ourselves, families, and loved ones safe at home.
I am truly proud of how well the North Hempstead community has pulled together throughout this crisis. We must now continue following social distancing protocols and wearing masks when we can’t, as that is proving to be the most effective strategy for beating this terrible virus.
While we are all anxious to return to normal, we must remain patient as we continue along the comeback trail. Feel free to share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors. Please also continue to be smart, stay home, and stay safe. Thank you.
I am happy to report that this weekend North Hempstead Beach Park and Manorhaven Beach are opening up for the season. Due to Governor Cuomo's directives, the beaches can only operate at 50% capacity and social distancing on the beach must be 10 feet as opposed to the 6 feet we've become accustomed to.
In addition, when coming to the beach, you must bring a mask so that you can wear it when you are unable to social distance. Please note, Town beaches will be open to North Hempstead residents only. Additionally, we decided to waive all fees for our beaches and parks during the time of this pandemic. I hope you are able to enjoy our parks and beaches throughout the summer. Please feel free to share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors.
These are extremely challenging times for all of us, but as long as we work together, follow social distancing protocols, and wear masks when you are in situations where you cannot social distance, we will get through this. We are a family here in North Hempstead, and it has never been more apparent than now.
I would also like to send a special thank you to all of our medical, emergency, and essential workers, and of course our Town employees, who are going above and beyond during this unprecedented time. We truly owe them a debt of gratitude for the exceptional work they are doing - day in and day out.
And in closing, as we head into the Memorial Day weekend, it is important to acknowledge and recognize the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives while serving to protect our great nation.
Though things are dramatically different this Memorial Day due to the pandemic, one thing that has not changed is the great respect, love, and gratitude we feel for those who have paid the "ultimate sacrifice" in protecting our freedom and our way of life.
So please join me in taking time this Memorial Day to remember and honor our fallen heroes.
Thank you and stay safe.
Warm regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
I am reaching out once again to provide you with the latest Town of North Hempstead updates regarding the coronavirus and our Town government.
I am thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new drive-in movie series at Town facilities. Films will be projected onto large outdoor screens for residents to enjoy a night out while also following social distancing protocols. The first movie to be shown will be The Goonies on Saturday, May 23 at North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington.
This program is fun, family-friendly, and, most importantly, in-line with the social-distancing guidelines we have all been following over the last two months.
While registration for these events is free, the Town is encouraging attendees to bring non-perishable canned foods to each showing as part of North Hempstead's donation drive. During these uncertain times, many families and individuals are finding themselves in need, and the Town is making an effort to assist vulnerable populations by launching this donation effort in conjunction with our drive-in events.
Residents are being asked to register their cars in advance online at NorthHempsteadNY.gov/drive-in or by calling 311. The program will take place on Saturdays after sundown, starting on May 23, continuing into summer months. A detailed schedule will be posted on the Town's website.
The showings will take place at either North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington, Clinton G. Martin Park in New Hyde Park, and Manorhaven Beach Park in Port Washington. The Town is considering other locations as well.
There will be no food available for purchase at these events. However, residents are encouraged to bring their own snacks. Portable toilets and sinks will be provided.
Additionally, in the interest of preventing the spread of coronavirus, the Town of North Hempstead has extended its declaration of the state of emergency. Town facilities will continue to remain closed to the public until Thursday, June 11. However, as of today, May 11 all of the Town’s parks including the Championship Golf Course at Harbor Links are open for passive use. Visitors are being advised that they must wear protective masks when in situations where they are unable to practice social distancing.
We are also pleased to announce that the Sunday Residential Drop-Off will reopen on Sunday, May 17. The facility will remain open every other Sunday through June. In addition, the fees for waste disposal will be temporary waived. This will help limit the interactions between residents and staff from credit card transactions and is being done in an effort to protect residents and to protect the health and welfare of everyone in the Town. Accepted items will include recyclables, e-waste, yard waste, household DIY project waste, and rubbish (excluding curbside solid waste). No commercial waste will be accepted.
Please be sure to share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors.
In closing, I would just like to take this opportunity to again sincerely thank all of the essential workers who are going above and beyond during this unprecedented time. The first responders, the medical professionals, the delivery people -- all of the dedicated individuals who are stepping up - we truly owe them a debt of gratitude for the exceptional work they are doing day in an day out.
So, together, let's continue doing what we can to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Be smart, stay home, and stay safe.
Warm regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
I am reaching out once again to provide you with the latest Town of North Hempstead updates regarding the coronavirus and our Town government.
I am thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new drive-in movie series at Town facilities. Films will be projected onto large outdoor screens for residents to enjoy a night out while also following social distancing protocols. The first movie to be shown will be The Goonies on Saturday, May 23 at North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington.
This program is fun, family-friendly, and, most importantly, in-line with the social-distancing guidelines we have all been following over the last two months.
While registration for these events is free, the Town is encouraging attendees to bring non-perishable canned foods to each showing as part of North Hempstead's donation drive. During these uncertain times, many families and individuals are finding themselves in need, and the Town is making an effort to assist vulnerable populations by launching this donation effort in conjunction with our drive-in events.
Residents are being asked to register their cars in advance online at NorthHempsteadNY.gov/drive-in or by calling 311. The program will take place on Saturdays after sundown, starting on May 23, continuing into summer months. A detailed schedule will be posted on the Town's website.
The showings will take place at either North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington, Clinton G. Martin Park in New Hyde Park, and Manorhaven Beach Park in Port Washington. The Town is considering other locations as well.
There will be no food available for purchase at these events. However, residents are encouraged to bring their own snacks. Portable toilets and sinks will be provided.
Additionally, in the interest of preventing the spread of coronavirus, the Town of North Hempstead has extended its declaration of the state of emergency. Town facilities will continue to remain closed to the public until Thursday, June 11. However, as of today, May 11 all of the Town’s parks including the Championship Golf Course at Harbor Links are open for passive use. Visitors are being advised that they must wear protective masks when in situations where they are unable to practice social distancing.
We are also pleased to announce that the Sunday Residential Drop-Off will reopen on Sunday, May 17. The facility will remain open every other Sunday through June. In addition, the fees for waste disposal will be temporary waived. This will help limit the interactions between residents and staff from credit card transactions and is being done in an effort to protect residents and to protect the health and welfare of everyone in the Town. Accepted items will include recyclables, e-waste, yard waste, household DIY project waste, and rubbish (excluding curbside solid waste). No commercial waste will be accepted.
Please be sure to share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors.
In closing, I would just like to take this opportunity to again sincerely thank all of the essential workers who are going above and beyond during this unprecedented time. The first responders, the medical professionals, the delivery people -- all of the dedicated individuals who are stepping up - we truly owe them a debt of gratitude for the exceptional work they are doing day in an day out.
So, together, let's continue doing what we can to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Be smart, stay home, and stay safe.
Warm regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
week, Governor Cuomo issued an Executive Order requiring all people in
New York state to wear a mask or face covering when out in public and in
situations where social distancing cannot be maintained. To aid in this
effort, the Town has created a public service announcement on how you
can make your own mask simply with items you have at home. This can be
viewed on the Town’s TV Station, social media channels or by clicking
Earlier this week, the Governor also announced the extension of the
deadline to make school tax payments to June 1. We had written to him on
March 17. We are thankful to Governor Cuomo, and also County Executive
Laura Curran who advocated on our behalf. The Receiver of Taxes Charles
Berman and I would like to remind you the Town is waiving the online
checking processing fee down to just one cent through the end of May as a
way of assisting residents during this period of social distancing.
As a reminder, all Town facilities will remain closed to the public
until at least Tuesday, May 12. All essential services are continuing to
operate as the Town maintains the continuity of government with many of
its employees working remotely. And the Town's 311 Call Center also
remains open to callers from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. - seven days a week.
Also, this week marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Although our
Earth Day festivities may be a little different this year, we wanted to
still celebrate such an important day. Visit
northhempsteadny.gov/earthday2020 to join a virtual Earth Day
celebration from your own home. You and your children will enjoy it.
As we continue to navigate through this crisis together, please visit
northhempsteadny.gov/coronavirus, follow our social media channels, and
tune into North Hempstead TV for the latest Town updates.
We also ask that you please remember to check on neighbors who may be vulnerable or not receiving notifications and updates.
The Town's highest priority is to ensure the safety and well being of
all our residents. And rest assured, we will continuing doing everything
we can to protect you and your loved ones. While the current situation
may serve as an inconvenience, understand that the choices we are making
are literally saving lives. So please be smart, stay home, and stay
Warm Regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
Last week, Governor Cuomo issued an Executive Order requiring all people
in New York state to wear a mask or face covering when out in public
and in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained. To aid
in this effort, the Town has created a public service announcement on
how you can make your own mask simply with items you have at home. This
can be viewed on the Town’s TV Station, social media channels.
Earlier this week, the Governor also announced the extension of the
deadline to make school tax payments to June 1. We had written to him on
March 17. We are thankful to Governor Cuomo, and also County Executive
Laura Curran who advocated on our behalf. The Receiver of Taxes Charles
Berman and I would like to remind you the Town is waiving the online
checking processing fee down to just one cent through the end of May as a
way of assisting residents during this period of social distancing.
As a reminder, all Town facilities will remain closed to the public
until at least Tuesday, May 12. All essential services are continuing to
operate as the Town maintains the continuity of government with many of
its employees working remotely. And the Town's 311 Call Center also
remains open to callers from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. - seven days a week.
Also, this week marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Although our
Earth Day festivities may be a little different this year, we wanted to
still celebrate such an important day. Visit
northhempsteadny.gov/earthday2020 to join a virtual Earth Day
celebration from your own home. You and your children will enjoy it.
As we continue to navigate through this crisis together, please visit
northhempsteadny.gov/coronavirus, follow our social media channels, and
tune into North Hempstead TV for the latest Town updates.
We also ask that you please remember to check on neighbors who may be vulnerable or not receiving notifications and updates.
The Town's highest priority is to ensure the safety and well being of
all our residents. And rest assured, we will continuing doing everything
we can to protect you and your loved ones. While the current situation
may serve as an inconvenience, understand that the choices we are making
are literally saving lives. So please be smart, stay home, and stay
Warm Regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
The Town of North Hempstead has extended its emergency declaration an
additional month to Tuesday, May 12. The extension was necessary due to
the unfortunate, continuing spread of coronavirus in our community. As
we mentioned last month, this declaration allows us to implement public
safety measures, purchase essential items and services quickly, and
respond to emergency needs.
Please note that while Town facilities remain closed to the public,
essential services are continuing to operate, and the Town's 311 Call
Center also remains open to callers seven days a week.
We recognize the importance of doing everything we can to protect the
health and safety of our residents, and we want to do all we can to
simplify your lives during this tumultuous time.
To this end, when making an online tax payment using your checking
account, all processing fees will be waived through May 11. Eliminating
the online checking fee is intended to assist residents in staying safe
during this period of social distancing.
The Town Board and I have also approved various building permit
extensions and the waiver of late fees. A detailed list of building
department policy updates is available on the Town's website.
Additionally, we have launched the Neighbors Helping Neighbors program,
allowing our Project Independence members to enjoy companionship and
reassurance from their neighbors during a time where many can feel
isolated and disconnected. To become a participant or volunteer for the
“Neighbors Helping Neighbors” program, please call 311.
We are also launching a new online suggestion box on our website:
northhempsteadny.gov/concern-suggestion. This will serve as a
crowdsourcing portal for residents to leave comments, ideas, concerns,
and suggestions with the goal of improving Town functions, facilities,
and programs.
As we continue to navigate through this crisis together, please visit
northhempsteadny.gov/coronavirus or follow our social media channels for
the latest Town updates. We are also regularly adding public service
announcements to North Hempstead TV.
We care deeply about you, and want you to understand that every time you
go out, you put yourself and those you then come into contact with at
risk - so please be smart, stay home, and stay safe. Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
With the holidays approaching, please remember that social distancing is
more important now than ever. We must reiterate that residents should
refrain from large gatherings - this includes getting together with
friends and family who do not reside in your home. While it may not be
ideal to celebrate these special holidays away from your loved ones, it
is the only safe way to celebrate this year. Fortunately, many religious
groups are even offering services online. So please help us flatten the
curve in North Hempstead by staying home whenever possible.
When you must venture out for essentials at places like a grocery store
or pharmacy, we are again reminding you to properly dispose of used
latex gloves, antibacterial wipes, and face masks directly in the trash
and not in shopping carts or on the ground. This is absolutely critical
in preventing the spread of coronavirus, and it helps prevent these
materials from ending up in our waterways and storm drains which could
cause damage to our environment and ecosystem.
Additionally, the Town is urging residents and landscapers who are doing
yard work to please refrain from using leaf blowers whenever possible
at this time. With all of us in our homes, this request is being made to
minimize unnecessary noise which can cause even more stress to everyone
dealing with this public health crisis.
As a reminder, all Town facilities will remain closed to the public
until at least Monday, April 20. However, rest assured, essential
services are continuing to operate as the Town maintains the continuity
of government with many of its employees working remotely. The Town's
311 Call Center also remains open to callers seven days a week.
I also would like to take this opportunity to send our sincerest
appreciation to everyone on the front lines -- the medical
professionals, the first responders, the essential employees like our
cleaning crews, delivery workers, and news people. The work that they
are doing in this crisis is truly extraordinary, and I want to encourage
everyone in the North Hempstead community to join in the wonderful
tradition of celebrating their efforts each night at 7pm by stepping out
to your front porch, window, or balcony, alongside your neighbors, to
applaud their hard work.
And as we continue to navigate through this crisis together, please
visit northhempsteadny.gov/coronavirus or follow our social media
channels for the latest Town updates. We are also regularly adding
public service announcements to North Hempstead TV.
We care deeply about you, and want you to understand that every time you
go out, you put yourself and those you then come into contact with at
risk - so please be smart, stay home, and stay safe.
Warm Regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
As of Monday, March 23, all Town parks including playgrounds, sports
fields, and bathrooms will be closed to the public. This also includes
Town beaches and the Town Dock. The closures will help prevent the
gathering of large groups and congregation of people in close proximity
to each other.
We encourage our residents to go outside and to get fresh air and
physical exercise. However we cannot emphasize enough that this must be a
solitary recreational activity. The CDC clearly states that staying at
least six feet away from other people greatly lessens our chances of
catching and spreading COVID-19. Together we can do our part to help
save lives during this public health emergency.
Nothing is more important than the safety and well being of you and your
loved ones. We care about you and will continue taking all necessary
precautionary measures to protect the health and welfare of everyone in
our Town.
Please continue to visit northhempsteadny.gov/coronavirus for the latest updates.
Please, be smart, stay home, and stay safe.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
As we continue to navigate through this public health emergency, it
absolutely critical that we heed the advice of medical professionals
practicing social distancing. To this end, the Town Board and I are
issuing the following updates for Town recreational facilities:
- All playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts, and the Town dog run are closed
- Bathrooms will remain open
daily from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (except for Manhasset Valley, Ridders Pond,
and Merillon Ballfield which will remain closed.)
- As of Monday, March 23, the Town Dock parking lot will be closed to vehicles by 8 p.m.
- Parks will remain open for passive use only.
At this point, outdoor exercise must
be a solitary recreational activity as we must keep space between
ourselves and others. The CDC clearly states that staying at least six
feet away from other people greatly lessens our chances of catching and
spreading COVID-19. Nothing is more important than the safety and well
being of you and your loved ones. We care about you and will continue
taking all necessary precautionary measures to protect the health and
welfare of everyone in our Town. Stay safe.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
These are extremely difficult times I know, but I want to reassure you
that the Town is doing everything it can to assist everyone in the
community. In late February, we formed an internal coronavirus task
force and began to convene regularly scheduled meetings. In situations
like this, we must always prepare for the worst while hoping for the
best. To recap, we initiated our first robocall to the community on
March 4, and we declared a state of emergency on March 13. As this
situation progresses, we are continuing to provide updates via every
method possible, including robocalls, emails, website and social media
posts, media releases, and printed flyers. Additionally, we have
recorded public service announcements for our television station. If you
have not done so already, please sign up for emergency alerts on our website and also for our regular electronic newsletter.
Earlier this week, we expanded the hours of our senior Project
Independence food shopping transportation program. On March 17, we sent a
letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, requesting an extension
for payment of the second half of the 2019-2020 school taxes. In light
of the effects caused by the coronavirus pandemic on our region, we
believe it would put our residents at ease knowing that they have extra
time to make these payments.
Keep in mind that even though all Town buildings are currently closed to
the public, essential services are continuing to operate as the Town
maintains the continuity of government with many of our employees
working remotely. Please note that the Town's 311 Call Center remains
open to callers on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and weekends from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m.
Additionally, as we continue to navigate through this public health
emergency, we also want to remind you of the importance of responding to
the 2020 census. Before the end of the month, every household on Long
Island should receive a letter inviting us to fill out a form. We need
to make every effort to count as many people as possible in the Town of
North Hempstead, and across Long Island, to ensure we receive the proper
federal funding for our community so please respond either online, by
mail, or over the phone.
As a reminder, it is absolutely critical that we heed the advice of
medical professionals please continue to avoid crowds, wash your hands
religiously, practice social distancing, and most importantly, remain in
your home if at all possible. And although public gatherings are
discouraged, I would still encourage you to get outside in the fresh air
in your backyard or neighborhood, or to go for a walk in one of our
Town parks. I cannot be emphatic enough: the only way to maintain public
health right now is by staying apart, this includes social distancing –
even for children. While this may serve as a temporary inconvenience,
understand that the decisions we are making can literally save lives.
For more information, please visit cdc.gov.
We are also pleased to announce that the Jones Beach testing center for
COVID-19 is now open by appointment only. Please call the New York State
coronavirus hotline at 1-888-364-3065 to make an appointment or to
simply speak to an actual medical expert.
Nothing is more important than the safety and well being of you and your
loved ones. We care about you and will continue taking all necessary
precautionary measures to protect the health and welfare of everyone in
our Town.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
In the interest of preventing the spread of coronavirus, I have declared
a state of emergency for North Hempstead. This will allow the Town to
implement public safety measures and respond to emergency needs more
expeditiously. Given the unprecedented nature of the current situation,
ALL Town facilities will remain closed to the public until Monday, March
Please note that essential Town services, such as 311, the Town Clerk's
office, and sanitation, will continue to operate as we maintain the
continuity of government.
However, the Town Board meetings previously scheduled for March 19 and
April 2 are being cancelled. In addition, all Town-run senior programs
and social events, including Project Independence Exercise Classes, are
canceled through Monday, April 20.
As per Governor Cuomo, all crowd capacities are now capped at 50. Along
with that, the following facilities will be closed throughout New York
State until further notice: restaurants & bars (except for takeout
and delivery), gyms, movie theaters, and casinos. However, grocery
stores and pharmacies will remain open.
It is absolutely critical that we heed the advice of medical
professionals. Avoid crowds, wash your hands religiously, and most
importantly, remain in your home if at all possible. I cannot be
emphatic enough: the only way to maintain public health right now is by
staying apart, this includes social distancing – even for children.
While this may serve as a temporary inconvenience, understand that the
decisions we are making can literally save lives.
For more information, please visit cdc.gov or call the New York State coronavirus hotline at 1-888-364-3065 to speak to an actual medical expert.
Nothing is more important than the safety and well being of you and your
loved ones. We care about you and will continue taking all necessary
precautionary measures to protect the health and welfare of everyone in
our Town.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Supervisor Judi Bosworth
Dear Neighbors,
In the interest of preventing the spread of coronavirus, the Town of
North Hempstead is taking important precautionary steps. I have declared
a state of emergency for the Town effective immediately, in conjunction
with Nassau County and the Towns of Hempstead and Oyster Bay. The state
of emergency will allow North Hempstead to implement public safety
measures, purchase essential items and services quickly, suspend parking
regulations, and respond to emergency needs.
Additionally, the Town Board meetings originally scheduled for March 19
and April 2 are being cancelled. The public hearings and agenda
resolutions that were intended to be held at those meetings will be
moved to an upcoming meeting at a later date. The Town will hold a
special meeting of the Town Board on Monday, March 30 at 10 a.m. with a
public hearing extending the building moratorium in the Waterfront
Business District. The health and safety of everyone in our town is of
paramount importance. We care deeply about our residents and want to
make sure we are taking every precaution possible.
Please also be aware that Governor Cuomo has introduced new mass
gatherings regulations requiring events with 500 or more individuals in
attendance be cancelled or postponed. Any event, assembly, or place of
business with less than 500 individuals in attendance will be required
to cut capacity by 50 percent, with exceptions being made for schools,
hospitals, public buildings, mass transit, grocery stores, and retail
stores. These new regulations will go into effect today, Friday, March
13 at 5 p.m. I would also like to urge you to thoroughly document all
expenses your municipality incurs related to this emergency as you may
qualify for certain reimbursements from the state and federal
I would like to take a moment to acknowledge our incredible first
responders and healthcare providers throughout the Town of North
Hempstead and Nassau County. They have proven to be steadfast and
effective in the wake of the arrival of coronavirus here on Long Island,
and I cannot thank them enough for their invaluable work.
As a reminder, it is important that we heed the advice of medical
professionals and stay away from large groups or gatherings, remain at
least six feet away those around you, and stay home when possible. Most
importantly, if you are feeling ill remain in your home until you have
contacted your doctor. If you or anyone you know has additional
questions or concerns, please visit cdc.gov or call the New York State
Coronavirus hotline at 1-888-364-3065 where callers can speak to an
actual medical expert.
Dear Neighbors,
As we have all been reading about the coronavirus, I just wanted to let
you know that we are coordinating with the Nassau County Department of
Health (DOH).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely
monitoring instances of actual and suspected infection caused by the
coronavirus elsewhere. Although there are currently no confirmed cases
of the virus in Nassau County, out of an abundance of caution, and in
the interest of prevention, we thought it was important to send this
As always, we encourage everyone to take common sense precautions such
as thoroughly washing hands with soap and warm water or using hand
sanitizers when water is not available.
To be proactive, we are posting educational signage prominently and
installing hand sanitizer dispensers in Town facilities. Additionally,
code enforcement staff and certain Town employees will be carrying
travel-size hand sanitizer.
If you or anyone you know has additional questions or concerns, please
visit cdc.gov or call the New York State Coronavirus hotline
1-888-364-3065 where callers can speak to an actual medical expert.
The health and welfare of everyone in our town is of paramount
importance, and we will continue taking all necessary measures to
minimize the spread of germs which is something we should always be
mindful of.
Please visit the following link for a comprehensive FAQ from the CDC: cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html
We will continue to send updates as they become available.
Flyers and Resources:

Click Here for Tips for Staying Health in Spanish
Click Here for Tips for Staying Healthy in Creole
Click Here for Tips for Staying Healthy in Chinese
Click Here for Tips for Staying Healthy in Farsi

Archived Closures and Updates:
- A local state of emergency for the Town of North Hempstead has been declared through May 7, 2021 due to the conditions produced by the rapid and continuing spread of coronavirus.
- The Town Building Department reopened on May 28, 2020 as part of of Phase 1 from New York State. The Building Department will accept applications for minor work by US Mail or package delivery. Requests for the status of existing files and applications can be achieved through via email at Buildings@northhempsteadny.gov. Residents can also schedule an appointment via email for the submission of large Building Permit applications. There will be no walk-in service until further notice. Residents without email access can call 516-869-6311 for assistance. All other existing construction work comments or questions should be directed to the assigned inspector for that project.
- The Town has announced that restaurants can apply for outdoor dining permits free of charge. Application information can be found by clicking here.
- Visit www.mynhtv.com to see the latest virtual programming from North Hempstead TV (NHTV)'s the Town's public access television station. In person Project Independence exercise classes are canceled until further notice, but virtual programming can be viewed on NHTV.
- Project Independence's food shopping transportation program will be extending its hours to 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., 7 days a week. Riders will be picked up individually. Call 311 or 516-869-611, Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or Saturday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to make an appointment. Taxi ride costs (including tips) are being waived.
- The Clerk's Office is currently taking appointments for the processing of marriage licenses for Town of North Hempstead residents only. This process is done in person and by appointment ONLY on Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings. Couples should call 311 or 516-869-6311, or email feedback@northhempsteadny.gov to make an appointment.
Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board unanimously approved
various building permit extensions, policy modifications, and the waiver
of certain permit fees, in an effort to assist residents during the
current state of emergency. For more information click here.
- Town facilities will remain closed to the public. Essential services, such as 311, the Clerk's office, and sanitation, will continue to operate as the Town maintains the continuity of government. Please call 311 for updated information about the Office of the Town Clerk and Receiver of Taxes.
- The Town's 311 Call Center is open 7 days a week. Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 7:30pm; Saturday: 10:00am - 6:00pm; Sunday: 10:00am - 5:00pm
- Town bid openings and RFP proposal deadlines are being rescheduled and extended. Please check the Bid (www.northhempsteadny.gov/bids) and RFP (www.northhempsteadny.gov/RFPs) pages of the Town's website for the updated dates. Any questions should be sent to contracts@northhmepsteadny.gov.
- Community Services programming is canceled until further notice, please call 311 or 516-869-6311 for the latest updates.
- The Port Washington Parking District 6 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., Monday through Friday.
Town run fitness classes scheduled at Michael J. Tully Park will be closed through Sunday, March 15.
The NY Citizen Preparedness Training scheduled for Tuesday, March 10 at 7 p.m. at Clinton G. Martin Park has been postponed.
Williston Park Senior Program will be canceled on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.
Mineola Leisure Club, which meets at Mineola Village Hall, has canceled their program for Tuesday, March 10.
SHAI has canceled their scheduled programs through Friday, March 20.
- Herricks Senior Citizens has been canceled until Wednesday, March 25.
- New Hyde Park AARP 1868 has been canceled through Friday, March 20.
- Port Washington Senior Center will be closed through Friday, March 20.
- Port Washington Social Center senior programming will be closed for the next two weeks (until 3/23).
- The Spring Fling events scheduled for Friday, March 20 and Friday, March 27 have been postponed. There is no new scheduled date at this time.
- The Northport VA Medical Mobile Unit appointments have been canceled until March 30.
- The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meetings scheduled for Wednesday, March 18 and Wednesday, April 1 have been postponed.
- Milan Senior Group that meets at CGM and every third week of the month at Tully on Fridays will be canceling their meetings until 4/3/20.
- New Hyde Park Senior Citizens that meets at Clinton G. Martin Park on Thursday is canceling their program until 4/2/20.
- Joy Fu has canceled their scheduled programs through Monday, April 6.
- The New Hyde Park Seniors, which meets on Thursdays, have canceled their programming for the next two weeks (until 3/26)
- Herricks Leisure Club has been canceled until Thursday, March 26.
- Mashadi Senior Program will be canceled through Monday, April 20.
- The St. Francis Hospital Outreach Bus and Audiology Hearing Van dates have been canceled through April 23.
- NYU Winthrop Hospital has canceled all community outreach programs through May 6.
- Project Independence's Joint Advisory program scheduled for Wednesday, April 29 has been canceled.
- Spring Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (S.T.O.P) events scheduled for Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26 at North Hempstead Beach Park have been postponed.
- The Town's Building Department Spring Mobile Office Hours scheduled for Tuesday, April 7 and Thursday, April 23 have been canceled.
- The Town's sustainability classes scheduled for April have been canceled.
- The Town's Sunday Residential Drop-Off at the North Hempstead Transfer Station is closed through at least May 10.
- The 2020 Town's Spring Fest, Asian American Fest, and Memorial Day Commemoration have been postponed until 2021.
- The Town's Women's Roll of Honor scheduled for Wednesday, March 25, has been postponed. A new date will be announced at a later time.
- The Town sponsored AARP Defensive Driving Classes scheduled for April 18, May 16 and June 13 have been canceled.
- Tax Office has temporarily suspended
in-person services to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Residents are asked to make tax payments through
the online payment system or through mail. Additionally, there will
be no local community tax collection sites this Spring. The tax payment
deadline has been extended to June 1.
- The What to Know Before Buying and Selling a Home programs scheduled for May 21 and May 28 at the Manhasset and Hillside Libraries have been canceled.
- Town run Senior Project Independence programs and exercise classes are canceled at least until the end of May.
- Community Service programming is canceled at least through the end of May.
- Town pool facilities will be open
beginning July 8 for the summer season. This includes pool facilities
located at Manorhaven Beach Park, Martin “Bunky” Reid, and Whitney Pond
Park which will be open to all Town residents. For the 2020 summer
season, the Town will be waiving all fees for pool facilities. For more
information and for rules, click here.
- Parks facilities including: the "Yes
We Can" Community Center, the Michael J. Tully Park Aquatic Activities
Center, the Clinton G. Martin Park building and the Fuschillo Park
building are closed. As of Monday, May 11 North Hempstead Town Parks
will reopen for passive use. The Championship Golf Course at Harbor
Links will be reopening on a limited basis on May 11 as well. Everyone
is still being advised that they must follow precautionary measures to
ensure the safety of both residents and Town employees.