Our Services > Sustainability Programs > Climate Action > Climate Action

The Town of North Hempstead recognizes the detrimental impact of climate change on our community. In an effort to do our part, Supervisor DeSena and the Town Board are committed to implementing policies to reduce the Town's carbon footprint in its own operations and increase resiliency, as well as to assist residents and businesses in their sustainability efforts through education, legislation, and other measures.
Click on the links below to learn about what the Town of North Hempstead is working on in its fight against climate change as well as ways you can help.
Go Green NHTV Series
Submit your Climate Story
Apply to be featured in the Green Business Spotlight
Energy Savings- learn to reduce energy use and save money in your home
Strategies for Food Waste Reduction
Recordings of past workshops on:
Sustainable Transportation
Water Conservation
Climate Change Community Survey Results
Climate Smart Communities Task Force
Municipal Operations Climate Action Plan
Organics Management Plan
Public Engagement and Education Plan
Town Building Energy Benchmarking Data
Please call 516-869-6311 or email sustain@northhempsteadny.gov with any questions or comments.