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TownStat Reports

How to read these reports:
In 2011, the Town of North Hempstead’s 311 Call Center fielded an average of more than 3400 calls each and every week from our residents and callers outside the Town as well.Calls are placed in one of two categories: Service Requests (“SRs”) result in some action being taken by the town (e.g. a pothole is filled, a Code violation is investigated, etc .), while Information-Only requests are handled immediately by our 311 customer service representatives (e.g. providing directions to a park facility, the address of Town Hall, etc.).
The reports posted here show the Town’s monthly volume of SRs in two different formats: The “SRs by Community” report displays 311 Service Requests first by the location where the issue to be addressed is located, then provides a breakdown of Town Department/Division (“Group” within a Department) and actual SR Type.
On the far right you will see the count of that particular SR Type and the average response time in days for the closure of those SRs for that particular month. The “SRs by Department” report shows the same information, but the initial breakdown is by Town Department/Division, and then by Community where the issue is located. The third report, “Information-Only Calls”, is a high-level list of the departments and issues that were the subject of inquiries called into 311.
Taken together, these reports offer a monthly picture of the wide scope of work performed by Town of North Hempstead employees, as well as the issues and concerns that are on the minds of our residents. Please note that on occasion, the system will misspell the name of a particular village or community within the Town, and unfortunately the SR will be recorded, and later reported upon, with the misspelling intact. We apologize for any misspelling of your community name.
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