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Transparency Portal


Public Meetings

All Public meetings can be found on the Town Calendar, undfer the Boards & Commissions Meetings section. The calendar is available here

Newletters, Agendas, and communications

You can sign up for newsletters sent by the Town of Norh Hempstead by clicking here.

Some of the Town Board members maintain a newsletter for just their district. To signup for a distrcts newsletter, click one of the links below.



Agendas and Minutes

A list of all Agendas and minutes for the Town Board is available here.
A list of all Agendas and minutes for the Board of Zoning Appeals is available here.

Repavement Project

A list of upcoming road resurfacings for 2024, by Council District, is available here.

Boards and Commissions

The Town has numerous Boards and Commissions that advise the Town Board and Supervisor, or oversee various industries and policies. A list of those boards and commissions, as well as their members is available here.

Agendas and Minutes for each are available below.


Approved Newspapers for Publication

The Town maintains a list of newspapers approved for publication. That list is available here.

Environmental Initiatives

The Town maintains a number of sustainability programs that aim to engage and inspire residents, businesses, and municipalities, throughout the Town of North Hempstead, to participate in actions that will foster ecological balance, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help North Hempstead adapt to a changing climate, ensuring a healthy, resilient community now and in the future.

Information on these plans is available here.

The Town also recognizes the detrimental impact of climate change on our community. In an effort to do our part, Supervisor DeSena and the Town Board are committed to implementing policies to reduce the Town's carbon footprint in its own operations and increase resiliency, as well as to assist residents and businesses in their sustainability efforts through education, legislation, and other measures.

Information on the Town's Climate Action plan is available here.


Audit and Financial Reports

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports by year are available here in PDF format.

Further Financial data is available through the Towns OpenGov interactive reporting site, available here.

Apoted and Tentative Budgets

Detailed budgets by year are available here in PDF format.

Capital Plan

The Town of North Hempstead’s upcoming spending on capital projects has been planned separately from the Town’s operating budget. Capital expenditures can range from road resurfacing, rehabilitation of Town owned facilities, and the procurement of heavy-duty equipment. The capital plan is a fluid planning document that the Town Board updates each year in a collaborative process which helps to outline the major projects the Town Board intends to pursue over the next five years. The plan also shows the proposed funding schedule for each project – whether through bonding, existing cash on-hand, funding from contractual agreements, grants, or FEMA obligated projects.

The 2024 Capital Plan can be found by clicking here.

Previous Capital Plans going back to 2014 can be found by clicking here.

Rating Agency Fiscal Health Reports

The Town currently holds a AAA bond rating by the Moody's Rating Agency.


A list of Financial Institutions Designated as Depositories by the town is available here.


Procurement Policy

The current procurement policy of the Town is available here.

Bid Solicitations & Bid/RFP results

All Bid Solicitations issued by the Town are available here.
All Bid and RFP Results are available here.


Code of Ethics & Anti-nepotism Policy

The Town of North Hempstead finds it to be in the best interests of effective and responsive government that its officers and employees, whether paid or unpaid, understand and be guided by a Code of Ethics. The Town further finds that clear procedures regarding financial disclosure of certain officers and employees will foster both public confidence in local government and the privacy interests of individuals who are officers and employees of the town. It is the intent of this Board to establish local procedures regarding the completion and filing of financial disclosure forms and to reestablish a Code of Ethics.

The Code of Ethics can be found by clicking here.


The Town of North Hempstead also maintains an anti-nepotism policy, which is designed to address the employment, supervision, transfer or recommendation of relatives by Town officers or employees.

The Anti-nepotism policy can be found by clicking here.

Permits and Licenses

Fee Schedules

Many departments of the Town charge a fee. Fees are charged for a variety of reasons, ranging from the use of a Town facility, a services provided, permitting, or licensing.

A list of fee schedules by department can be found here:

Building Department & Board of Zoning Appeals Fee Schedule


The Town issues licenses for, and regulates, various industries.

A list of all plumbers, electricians, fence erectors, sign erectors, and electrical inspection agencies currently licensed or approved by the Building Department is available here.

A list of all other licenses is available below:

Listing files in 'Licenses'



Freedom of Information Law & Request Form

Pursuant to New York State’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), members of the public may request copies of Town records, with certain exceptions. In order to request Town records, the requestor must submit a FOIL request form.

More detailed information about the different ways to submit a FOIL Request can be found by clicking here.

Information regarding the NYS FOIL law itself is available here.
Information regarding the NYS Open Meetings Law is available here.